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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 22nd May

Good morning, Year 4! Well, it's the end of Term 5 and what a strange term it's been. We hope you've enjoyed your home learning and well done for all the fabulous work that has been emailed in. We're very proud of how hard you've worked and how mature you've been this term. We hope you have a wonderful week off of home learning, enjoy some outdoor time (remembering to stay 2 metres apart from anyone not in your household) and relax! 

On to Friday's home learning:


Its another of our famous 'NRICH Fridays'! Today, you've got lots of different Money problems to solve. Remember, you don't need to solve all of the problems. Have a go at a few that you like. If they're too hard or too easy, try another! 


Today, you are going to complete your news report. This could be done as a written article OR as a TV report  - if it is a live report, you may need to make yourself some prompt cards or have your plan in front of you so you can be clear in your reporting!


Class novel - Team Azure, Nathan is going to write the penultimate chapter (second from last!!) Farrah has added a few illustrations - please send any in if you would like them added to the story!



It's the final day for your country projects and we are so exicited to see them! Just a reminder, here is the brief:

For Topic this week, we will be setting you a research project. You will have the whole week to complete your project and you can present it in anyway that you like. You need to choose a COUNTRY OF THE WORLD and research and present information on the following:

CLIMATE (what the weather is like)

CULTURE (what the people are like, what they get up to and what traditions they have, what food do they eat, what sports do they play)

HISTORY (what has happened in that country)

WILDLIFE (which animals and plants live there)

TOURISM (what interesting places/things there are for people to visit)

and anything else that you think is interesting! You could include pictures, videos, artwork, songs, performances. The choice is yours!

Have a wonderful Friday and also a wonderful half term; you've deserved it! 

The Year 4 team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695