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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Thursday 9th July Learning

Hello Year 3! Welcome to Thursday! It's great to see that, although we are getting close to the end of the term, lots of you are still working very hard at home - keep it up and thank you for your emails.

Here is your learning for today:



Read the rest of the chapter to find out what happens next!

Now you know that Charlie has got the Golden ticket I would like you to think of some questions about the two chapters we have read so far this week. Here is one to start you off: Who will Charlie take with him to The Chocolate Factory?


Today we are going to carry on planning. It is the moment that Charlie is opening his second bar of chocolate and he has discovered the golden ticket. We are going to use suspenseful language to try and plan our description of that moment. Attached is a sheet for you to fill out with ideas for your suspenseful writing. You don’t want to give away what is about to happen straight away, make the reader wait for the big reveal.

Remember, this is just planning. You are not answering comprehension questions and you are not writing your final piece until tomorrow. You just need to write your ideas and think about suspenseful language (from the word mats we have been using) you can use for when Charlie is about to open his second bar of chocolate.


Attached are some more activities for you to practice your coordinates skills. Complete the varied fluency sheet first and then try the reasoning questions. Each one has 3 levels - choose the level that best suits you or complete all 3!

Take a look at Bradley's brilliant coordinates work; well done Bradley!


For topic today you are going to be learning about food chains. Follow the link to find information about what food chains are and the different types of food chains in the animal kingdom. Once you have read the information and watched the video then complete the quizzes and activities included.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695