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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Thursday 1st April

HaPpY EaStEr!

We have finally reached the end of a very strange term. Term 4 started off at home for some of us and has ended at home for some of us too. We want to say a massive well done and thank you to all of the children in year 1 for your amazing resilience and positive attitudes during these difficult times.

We will come back to term 5 refreshed and ready to learn, and we cannot wait to welcome all of the children back.

Thank you for all your efforts with the Easter bonnets, the children look fantastic!


This week’s maths has been slightly different for the 2 year 1 classes.

Team Turquoise have explored mass this week, using scales to discuss the mass of different objects in their classroom. The discussed how scales work including how to make them balance and what this means. They used non- standard units of measure (cubes) to weigh different objects. They then linked their adding and subtracting knowledge to their mass learning and added weights of ingredients together for making cakes.

Team Cyan learnt about money this week. We recapped the value of coins and notes, then used this to add up the value of coins in a purse. We used jottings of our tens and ones place value knowledge to help us with our counting. We then counted amounts and found the coin we could exchange for, this meant that we had found an amount that was equal to what we had in our purse. We then found coins which would make a given total, remembering the coins we have. Finally we found the difference between amounts by giving change, to find the difference, we counted on.

Week one of term 5 both classes will swap and cover the learning they missed this week.



Children have continued to learn set 2 and 3 sounds this week. In RWI we read and re-read books which helps to build our visual word bank. They more we read something, the more fluent at reading it we become. We encourage the children to become more confident with each read. For example, they may start off fred talking a lot of the words. By the second read, hey may be fred talking more in their heads. By the final read children are more confident to read the words as sight words. This is a great way of building children’s confidence, why not give it a go at home too.



Our final week of term 4 has been our RE week. Children have learnt about what Jesus taught us. We learnt about the life of Jesus and why he is such an important part of Christianity. We heard about parables (stories with an important message) that Jesus would tell people to help them understand how they should live their lives. We read The Good Samaritan and discussed how loving your neighbour means showing everyone the same love and respect regardless of who they are. We thought of ways we could be helpful like the Good Samaritan. We also learnt about the actions of Jesus, another way he would show people how to live their lives better. He would treat everyone the same and spend his time helping and healing those in need. We discussed how this links in with our own values and those of the school. Kindness and equality were the main values we thought were connected to those of Jesus.


Important messages

  • PE is on a Tuesday please ensure your child comes in to school wearing their PE kit.
  • Please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home.
  • The first day of term 5 will be Monday 19th April.



Enjoy your Easter break!


From the year 1 teachers


Mrs Walker, Mrs Barlow and Mrs Marazzi


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695