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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 15th May 2021

We are at the end of another week of learning in year 1. We are fast approaching the penultimate week of term!


This week’s maths focus has been on place value. We have been partitioning numbers to understand their true value, for example partitioning 23 in to 20 and 3. There can be misconceptions when representing this in a part, part whole model of writing a 2 and a 3. We used base ten to make our 2digit number, then we could clearly see the value of the tens digit and ones digit.

We also learnt how to recombine numbers, this was when we knew the parts and had to put the tens and ones back together to make the whole.


RWI/ English

This week we have introduced English sessions in to our mornings. This has reduced morning busy time to a play time in preparation for year 2. Our focus book was ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt,’ where we re-enacted the story, and thought of new hurdles the family might face. We then wrote our ideas for a new problem, for example, an earthquake, thunderstorm and a dragon. We also wrote lists for an adventure we wanted to go on with our family, we had to think of all the things we would need to take with us. Then we described another animal in a similar way to the bear being described using adjectives. Our punctuation focus this week was on contractions. This is when we squeeze two words into a shortened word eg it is becomes it’s. Children learnt rules for adding the words are and not, which letters pop out and where to put the apostrophe.  

Children will be starting in their new RWI groups next Monday. We will be mixing children from both year 1 classes, which enables us to teach to 6 different levels instead of 3.



We continued our art theme this week, learning about F N Souza and his links to Picasso. We learnt that Picasso invented an abstract style of art called Cubism. We discussed what needed to be included in a piece for it to be in the style of cubism. Over the week we created our own cubism artwork, then critiqued it and thought of ways to improve it. In all, we created three portraits and thought of ways to improve upon each one. Look at some of our art progression this week. 

Love to learn

This week our focus will be on English.

For English we would like the children to read along to a familiar story they know off by heart. Encourage children to use story teller voices and expression when they are reading. They could read the story to a family member, sibling or pet.


Important messages

  • Love to learn books need to be returned to school on a Tuesday to allow enough quarantine time. We share home learning on a Friday afternoon with the class and if it comes into school later than Tuesday, we will be unable to share it.
  • Please could we ask for any old material you have but do not need. If you have any old offcuts or rags of material we could have, we would be very grateful.
  • Please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home.  
  • Parent teacher consultations were this week and it was great to catch up with you all, thank you for your time.
  • PE is on a Tuesday please ensure your child comes in to school wearing their PE kit.


From the year 1 teachers


Mrs Walker, Mrs Barlow and Mrs Marazzi


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695