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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

W/B 17th January 2022

W/E 17/01/2022

Important messages:

  1. Thursday 4th February is Number Day.  All children (and teachers) are invited to dress up as their chosen Times Table Rock Star! The children will take part in a number of maths activities throughout the day.
  2.  As part of our RE exit point, Year 6 will be visiting the Al-Birr Community Centre and Mosque in Margate on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th February.  The children will travel by train (walking to and from the station etc.).  Children will need to be in full school uniform and bring a coat to wear.  Children can also bring a snack to eat as we will be away from school all morning.  Year 6 will return to school in time for lunch.

Home Learning

  1. We would like the children to spend some time researching the Caribbean.  The children will be exploring the text ‘Tales from the Caribbean’ in their Guided Reading and English lessons next week.  The children can produce a PowerPoint (email it to their teachers), create a non-chronological Report or research well-known figures from that location. They could pick a Caribbean country and make a fact file about it. This is due in on Thursday 27th Jan.  All children are rewarded for their home learning efforts.
  2. We would like the children to create an information guide about Relative Clauses - a skill the children have visited this week.  We would like them to give examples of Relative Clauses and define what they are.  Here is a link to BBC Bitesize


The children started this week exploring Pie Charts, interpreting them and then solving problems.  The children then moved on to multiplying and dividing fractions.

Next week the children will return to fractions, decimals and percentages.  They will be calculating decimal fraction equivalents (by dividing using a simple fraction) and multiplying one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole numbers.


Year 6 have spent this week writing their own narrative linking to the text, Leon and the Place Between.  The children focused on describing and weaving dialogue throughout their narrative.

Next week the children will be planning and writing their own non-chronological report about the Caribbean.  The children will be reading the text, ‘Tales from the Caribbean’.  

Afternoon lessons

This week Year 6 started their new Topic – Darwin’s Delights. They started this topic by exploring world maps, focusing on locating and naming the seven continents and making their own class world map! The children then learned about who Charles Darwin was and where his ship, HMS Beagle, travelled.

Next week the children will be looking more closely at the Galapagos Islands and why it was important to Charles Darwin and science.  The children will look at Charles Darwin’s detailed drawings of the animals he discovered while he was there and they will recreate his drawings using paints to build colour and shades.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695