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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News 4.3.22

This week the children have worked incredibly hard throughout and had some great fun doing it as well, especially on World Book Day!


This week in our English, we have concentrated on poetry! We have got further in our new book called ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class’. The book is about a Syrian refugee who has joined a class and the narrator is a girl aged 9. The children have loved reading it so far! To start the week, we began by writing a repetition misconception poem about what people might think about refugees and then continued to write a poem today about themselves and the links that they can make with refugees.  Next week, we are looking forward to start learning about persuasion and how to persuade.


Throughout maths this week, we have looked at money. We began by asking a big question, ‘What is Money?’ We had a big discussion, and it was very interesting to see what each child thought about money. We moved onto comparing money and solving 2 step problems that involve money. Next week, we are going back to look at time. Converting between analogue and digital, using 24-hour clocks and solving problems that involve time durations.


We have continued our Topic ‘Inventors’ this week by having a look at ‘The Golden Age of Islam’. The children learnt about different inventors and how we still use their ideas to this day. For example, flight and the camera! We also linked it to our PSHE and looked at human rights and what human rights looks like.  In our Topic next week, we are moving on to science. We are going to be making circuits and adding switches!

Love To Learn

As we are looking at inventors and inventions, we want the children to have a go at inventing something from home. It can be anything they want, using anything they want. Try and be as imaginative as possible!


The Year 4 Team are also planning a fundraiser, if you have any books or toys that you don’t use or want, we would gladly have them but there will be more news to follow!

We have Comic Relief on the 18th under the theme 'Funny is Power'. The 18th is also the date for parents to have a book look after school.

Parent Teacher Consultations will be commencing on the WB 21st so look out to book a slot.

Thank you for your continued support!!

The Year 4 Team

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Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695