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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 4 Weekly News - 11.3.22

What an incredible week we have had in Year 4! It has been very hands on, and we had difficulty trying to choose our favourite lessons!

We began the week with a strange object on our desks... Was it an onion?! When we cut inside we realised that we were trying pomegranates! Our narrator in 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' goes on a special adventure to find this fruit because it is found in Ahmet's home country, Syria. We read a wonderful poem that used figurative language. This week we have been learning how to persuade. In our story, there was a big playground fight where Ahmet punched Brendan the Bully for taking the pomegranate. We spent a lot of time exploring our feelings and opinions about what happened... who was in the right? Did both boys deserve to be punished? What would they have done? We then tried to look at it from different people's perspectives. We have begun to learn how our vocabulary and the way we write sentence can make readers see your point of view more! 

Next week we will be continuing to develop our persuasive skills as we learn more about refugees and we will learn to argue our ideas formally. 

Which brings us to our very important fundraiser. We feel VERY passionate about Ahmet's situation and have a much better understanding of what is happening with the conflict in Ukraine. We have arranged a donation appeal and would love your support to help Ukrainian refugees. Please see the letter that was sent out on Tuesday. 


This week we have been learning about TIME! We are getting really confident with converting from 12hr to 24hr and we could solve some challenging duration problems. We are also making sure our times tables knowledge is really secure, practising as much as possible. Please practise as much as possible at home... TTRS is great but you can also practise using the following sites:



Although Electricity was invented, not discovered, it has led to many an exciting and important invention! This week we got to take apart plugs and different appliances and make circuits to make things buzz, spin and light up! We learnt the symbols needed to draw proper circuit diagrams and we can tell if a circuit will work or not - is it complete or incomplete?! We are also learning to be safe around electricity. We certainly have some potential electricians in the Year group!


Please remember to quiz after completing a book  and remember you can read online using MyOn.

Friday 18th March - Red Nose Day


Have a fantastic weekend,

Year 4 Team 


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695