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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 29th April 2022

What an amazing week Year 5 have had! Thank you for all the Turner competition entries from last week's home learning.


In English this week, we have continued studying Street Child, reading about Jim's year in the workhouse and his subsequent escape. Before reading the details of Jim's escape, we planned our own version of events. We completed a comic strip showing his escape using imperative verbs before writing our own version of Chapter 8, focusing on weaving action and description. Next week, we will be writing non-chronological reports on Victorian England.


In Maths this week, we have been working on subtracting and adding decimals. We focused on numbers with the same number of decimal places before moving on to numbers with a different number of decimal places. At the end of the week, we completed a decimal investigation using all of the skills we had practised in the week. Next week, we will be looking at multiplication and division.


In our afternoons this week, we have been studying RE, specifically looking at Christian stories from the Bible. We shared and discussed stories we already knew before moving on to more obscure Bible stories such as Daniel and Ruth and Naomi. We discussed the purpose of these stories and why they were important and still relevant to Christians today. We have also continued to dissect our PSHE text 'Everybody Counts' and work on designed our own Team Sapphire and Team Cornflower versions. Next week, we will begin our new Topic 'Oh We do Like to be Beside the Seaside'.

Home Learning

This week's Home Learning will be linked to our PSHE text 'Everybody Counts': 

Spend one day, deciding facts about the people you see. The ones you spot through the window, in a TV advert, or on your daily walk.
Think about the following questions: 
What are they thinking about?
How do they feel?
What are they doing after or what were they doing before you saw them?
Do they have any secrets?
What do they own?
What are their favourite and least favourite things?

Morning Routine:
Of the people you see, choose one to create a full morning routine for.
Imagine what their life is like.
Write a timeline with what they do, who they see, and how they feel.
Is there life like yours or is it completely different?


Mr Abel's group (from Terms 1-5): available, accompany, accommodate, amateur, achieve

Miss Hayzelden's and Mrs England's group: interrupt, average, privilege, interfere, lightning

Miss Isaac's group: row, hatch, ignited, thermal, mentally, knowhow, astronaut, launch, completed


- PE will be on Friday. Please could you ensure that children come to school in the correct kit (navy/black bottoms, white t shirt, navy/black jumper/hoody, trainers).

- Our extra PE (Sports Project) day will be on a Wednesday. On Wednesdays, please can children wear full school uniform but with trainers.

- Please can children continue to practise times tables on TTRS and reading (completing quizzes on AR when texts are finished) at least four times a week.

Have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend! 

The Year 5 team x

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695