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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Team Turquoise and Team Cyan Weekly News w/b 11th July

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What a week it has been for Year 2! We have been so incredibly impressed with Year 2's enthusiasm for learning, even in the heat they have shone brightly. What a wonderful week of fun with Sports Day and Inflatable Fun Day! 



Guided Reading

In Guided Reading this week we have been retelling the story of 'We are Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen. The children were put into small groups where they had to act out and present their part of the story in any way that they wished. Today, we presented our performances to the other team. The children were brilliant! They used expression, actions and great facial expressions throughout. What fantastic actors we have in Year 2 :)



In English this week we have finished off our learning to The Magic Finger by writing our very own version. We had to include modal verbs and rhetorical questions. We planned our story, wrote it in sections and read it to members of our team. We had stories about badgers, foxes, bears, insects... you name it! We are so very proud of the children.


In Maths this week we continued with our problem-solving learning. Problem solving is tough and it takes a lot of perseverance and patience. At first we found it a little tricky however as the week went on we became problem solving champions!


We had so much fun in Topic this week! In Design Technology we designed our very own microhabitats for insects of the Forest School! We had to design our insect house, make the insect house and then evaluate it. We then ended the week with an end of Ready, Steady, Sow and Grow quiz.




As I am sure you are aware, the forecast for Monday and Tuesday is for temperatures to hit 30 degrees. To try and make children as comfortable as possible, they are free to wear PE kit or their uniform on those days (whichever they prefer). Please can I ask that uniform rules still be followed so if PE kit is worn, t-shirts need to be white.

We will keep classrooms as cool as possible, use outdoor shaded spaces as much as possible, limit physical activity and encourage children to drink a lot. 

Please could you make sure that children have sun-cream on and have a hat and a water bottle. 

When temperatures cool again on Wednesday, everyone will need to be back in uniform please. 


Also, just a reminder where children need to be dropped off next week for their transition days with their new teacher.

Team Cyan - 

Monday - Miss Davey - usual classroom

Tuesday - Mrs Cousins - new classroom

Wednesday - Mrs Cousins - new classroom

Thursday - Miss Davey - usual classroom

Team Turquoise - 

Monday - Miss Howell - usual classroom

Tuesday - Mrs Gale & Mr Allen - New classroom

Wednesday - Mrs Gale & Mr Allen - New classroom

Thursday - Miss Howell - usual classroom

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you Monday for the final week of the year.

Miss Davey and Miss Howell

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695