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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Newsletter - Week 3!

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Welcome to Year 5’s weekly newsletter. Please check here to see what your child’s weekly learning has been and of any notices. 


Tuesday 24th September – The class teacher will be dissecting a lamb’s heart. Gloves will be provided to children who would like to touch it. If you would prefer that your child does not participate in this activity, please let the class teacher know in advance. Thank you. 

On Friday 27th September, Chilton are going to be volunteering throughout the day to support in the redevelopment of Courtstairs Park. Year 5 will be spending some time in the park painting and planting so please wear appropriate footwear and outerwear. 

Year 5 swimming takes place every Wednesday afternoon so please ensure your child has a full swim kit in school. The children will be walking to and from the pool, so please check that your child has appropriate footwear and a waterproof coat (if necessary). 

Year 5 children are expected to read for at least 10 minutes every day and hand in their reading record daily. Please sign their record and encourage them to read a range of genres. There are banded books in school in addition to the books in the school’s library and the class book corner (including those in the ‘Classics Challenge’).  

Learning this week: 

We have continued to read ‘Ice Trap’ and use our reciprocal reading skills to follow the drama as it unfolds. This week we wrote in role as the ship’s nineteen year old stowaway, Percy. With a focus on emotive language, we wrote a diary entry recounting the events of hiding on the ship and being discovered by the ship’s captain. 

In maths, we have been developing our understanding of the subtraction column method. We have completed a number of calculations and developed our reasoning and problem solving skills by completing unfinished calculations and identifying errors. We then moved our learning onto multiplication – so test us at home to see if we’ve improved! 

This week our topic, BEING HUMAN, was introduced. We had fun drawing round our bodies and identifying as many internal organs as possible during the entry point and challenged our bodies by trying to beat some world records. Our learning has also included learning about the brain and circulation system. 

Home Learning: 

This week we started our topic ‘Being Human’. 

 Research an organ and present your learning creatively. You could create a poster, model or even create a quiz! 


There is no right or wrong way to complete a Love to Learn task! Please be as imaginative or as creative as you would like! Love to Learn tasks should be returned on the Wednesday following them being set. Whilst books may not be formally marked, in class we will spend time looking at and enjoying what everyone has learned at home and rewards and house points will be given! 



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695