Weekly News! 08.12.23

We have loved this week! So much fun and learning has taken place, keep reading to find out what we got up to.
Read, Write Inc.
This week we have continued our wonderful learning in our Read, Write, Inc groups. We have been practising spotting our sounds and then using fred talk to read words. We have also been continuing to use our fred fingers to help us write the words in our books, but not for the red words, because we all know you can't fred a red! We have been working hard on our writing and making sure all our letters are formed correctly. In your child’s reading folders, you will find some set 1,2 and 3 sounds and also some red words. Any practice with these would be wonderful!
This week we looked at The Snow Queen. We made lots of connections with our thematic learning around weather and climates. We thought carefully about this and other key features of traditional tales when having a go at inventing our own story, inspired by The Snow Queen. We called it The Desert Queen!
Reading at 3 - Every Friday at 3 our doors will be open for you to come in and read with your child, please note, this will be for the full 15 minutes and children should not leave any earlier. Their books will be set up and ready for you to come in and enjoy listening to their wonderful reading. (Read at 3 will be cancelled on Friday 15th December)
Reading folders - All children will bring home two books, one being a RWI home book. Children are expected to try and read this three times during the week to ensure they are building on their reading fluency. The RWI home books will be changed, by an adult, every Friday.
The other book (with the coloured sticker) should be changed independently by the child themselves - first thing in the morning is a great time to do this!
Please ensure that the reading folders are being placed in the reading-coloured trays, so we can read with your children and ensure books get changed. Thank you for your support with this!
Please listen to your child read as much as possible at home and record this in their reading records. Every week, one child from each class will receive a reading certificate in our Chilton Heroes assembly.
This week we have been looking statistics! We made some pictograms to show the number of children with different eye colours in both classes; on one each symbol represented one child and on the other each symbol represented two children. We were fabulous at using our skip counting in 2s to work out how to do this! We learnt how to ask and answer questions, such as, which eye colour is the most popular and which is the least.
Next week we will be looking at sorting into Carroll and Venn diagrams.
We wrapped up our thematic learning this week by planning and presenting our own weather forecasts! We wowed our teachers with our knowledge and how much we retained from our learning this term - "Farenheit" say what?! Go on, scan the codes to see us in action. Incredible stuff Year 1!
Love to Learn
This week, we would love for you to practice doing your facts of the week. Choose from the list below and see if you can write the whole number family. For example, if you know that 9 + 1 = 10, then you know that 1 + 9 = 10, and you know that 10 - 9 = 1, and 10 - 1 =9!
9 + 1 = 10 8 + 2 7 + 3 6 + 4 5 + 5 4 + 4 3 + 3 2 + 2 1 + 1
1 + 9 = 10
10 - 1 = 9
10 - 9 = 1
Other news
PE is on a Wednesday. Team Azure will be focussing on Gymnastics indoors. Team Peacock will be doing Outdoor Adventure Activities, so please remember to wrap up warm on Wednesdays!
Sports project will be on a Tuesday – Only trainers needed, with full school uniform.
Doors will continue to open in the morning at 8:30am. Registration will be at the slightly earlier time of 8:45am (doors close at this time).
Mrs Reavill will be teaching Team Peacock every Tuesday.
Dates to remember...
Chilton's Christmas Events:
Monday 11th December
Year 1 Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start
(Please come in to school wearing costumes – with a labelled bag with school uniform to change back in to) If your costume is supplied by school, wear the required clothes underneath in and we will help get these children changed)
Tuesday 12th December
Year 5&6 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 10:00
Reception, Year 1 and 2 Christmas Parties - children can wear their own clothes to school (sensible footwear please)
For our Christmas party, please can children bring in the following…
Year 3&4 Christmas Performance at St Laurence Church from 2:00
Wednesday 13th December
Year 2 Christmas Performance - doors open 9:00 for a 9:15 start
Christmas Fair (on the field) 3:15-4:45
Thursday 14th December
Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas Parties - children can wear their own clothes to school (sensible footwear please)
Friday 15th December
Christmas Jumper Day (just for fun - wear a festive jumper, top or t-shirt with usual uniform) and Christmas Dinner. School ends at 2pm (no after school club).
On Wednesday 13th December we will be having our Christmas Fair from 3.20-5. As part of this, we need some voluntary donations from our community. On Tuesday 12th December, please can you ask you to send in the following donations with your child:
-KS1 – Bring a bottle for the tombola
-KS2 – Bring a gift for the raffle. We ask the children bring a gift that matches their house colour e.g. if they are a red roman, they donate a red gift and so on.
We will also be running a ‘Take home a Teddy’ stall.
-If you have any good quality, unwanted cuddly toys please also send them into school on Tuesday 12th December to be used on this stall.
-Lastly, we will also be running our traditional ‘White Bag’ stall. All children will bring home a white bag on Friday 8th December. We ask that your child decorates the bag, and you pop a small gift inside (sweets, notepad, pens, small toy etc). Can this also be returned to school on Tuesday 12th December.
Other dates
Friday 8th December - children bring home a white bag to decorate a fill with small gifts.
Tuesday 12th December - White bags, bottles for tombola and any donations to run stalls due.
Term 3 starts for Children Wednesday 3rd January
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Winchcombe, Miss Bryson and all the Year 1 team.
Mrs Poppy Winchcombe – Team Peacock – poppy.winchcombe@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Miss Polly Bryson – Team Azure – polly.bryson@chiltonprimary.co.uk
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