Weekly News! 19.01.24

What a great week Team Aqua and Team Topaz have had Check out what we have been up to!
This week in maths we continued the column method using addition using regrouping. To help us exchange, we need to remember if our ones add to more than 10, we regroup and put the extra tens in the secret box under the equals box in the tens column.
Later in the week we moved onto subtracting using the column method. We learnt how to subtract a 2-digit number from another 2 digit number and began to exchange (knock next door and borrow one).
Next week in maths we will be continuing the column method using subtraction!
Fact of the week!
Next week our Fact of the Week is
7 X 2 = 14
This week in English we have continued the book Max by Bob Graham. We started the week writing in first person and pretended to be Max in the story. We then Used verbs to describe the action that is taking place in the story and even challenged ourselves to use adverbs too! We ended the week writing a diary entry as Max saving all the animals, we used all our skills we have built on this week to create an amazing piece of writing.
Next week we will be starting our new book Traction Man is here by Mini Grey!
You can find the link to the story below:
In RWI this week we have been focusing on building up fluency when reading, this included focusing on pace, speed, expressions and reading punctuation. Any additional practice at home will be hugely beneficial.
Guided Reading
This week in Guided Reading we have performed a superhero poem. We learnt to use expression and to read it with fluency. We even added in actions to make it more exciting to perform. Later this week we summarised the story Max by Bob Graham. Continuing our superhero theme, we created our own masks and decided what our superpower would be. We then read a text on superheroes and had to fill in the missing words and check the sentence made sense.
SPAG (Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar)
This week in SpaG we have looked at what a question is and compared them to statements. We have also looked at the suffix -est as a table we worked together to sort and match the root and suffix -est words.
This week in Thematic we continued our unit ‘The Harbour’. We found out about The Little Ships and why they were so important. The Little Ships of Dunkirk were about 850 private boats like fishing boats. They sailed from Ramsgate in England to Dunkirk in northern France between 26 May and 4 June 1940 as part of Operation Dynamo. The boats helped to rescue more than 336,000 British, French, and other soldiers who were trapped on the beaches at Dunkirk during the Second World War.
We became geographers by locating the four capital cities of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and also found where Ramsgate is on the map too! On Friday we named and located the Channel, North Sea and Irish Sea using maps.
School Trip
As part of Year 2's Thematic learning, the children will be visiting Ramsgate Harbour. Team Topaz will visit on the morning of Monday 5th February and Team Aqua on the morning of Tuesday 6th February. The children will be transported to and from harbour via the school's minibus - please complete the school's permission form ( this will need to be completed in advance so there are no delays to the trip).
The children will be taken on a guided tour of the harbour by Ramsgate's Harbour Master. He will give a walking tour explaining the different parts of the harbour, their function as well as giving them an insight into Ramsgate Harbour's history. He will also be showing them some areas not open to the public.
This is a morning trip so all children will be back in school for their normal lunchtime. As we cannot predict the weather, please ensure your child has warm, waterproof clothing for this day (trainers are allowed).
Key Dates
2/2/24 – NSPCC Number day: Reception and KS1 to dress in anything related to number and Ks2 to dress as rock stars. £1 voluntary contribution for NSPCC.
2/2/24 – Number Day School Disco:
Reception and KS1 3.15-4.15 – Children who wish to attend will be taken by their teachers straight to the disco at 3.15 and can be collected from their classrooms at 4.15.
Ks2 – drop off and collection from front of school. More details will be sent out by the Chilton Fundraisers later in the term.
6/2/24 – Online safety day Children dress to express, meaning they come in whatever they like, bright clothes, sportswear, club uniforms…. whatever makes them feel happy!
6/2/24 Curry and Quiz school fundraiser for adults (details to arrive in the New Year)
9/2/24 - Last day of term
19/02/24 - Term 4 starts for children
Please may you bring in wellies for the children to use at lunch time on the field.
Sports Slam is on a Monday afternoon please can children come into school in their normal school uniform and wear trainers on this day.
This term Year 2 will continue to have PE on a Tuesday afternoon. Team Aqua will be inside for PE and Team Topaz will be outside for PE.
Read at 3 is on a Friday at 3pm.
Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!
Miss Hall, Miss Davey, Mrs Barlow and Miss Kennedy