A short but amazing week for Year 3! Let’s have a look at what Year 3 has been up to this week
This week in English, we have carried on learning about Charlotte’s Web. We have been writing setting descriptions of a funfair using different literary skills such as subordinating conjunctions, prepositions and expanded noun phrases. The children have developed some wondrous setting descriptions and we are really impressed with their work!
This week in Maths we have been looking at fractions. We started by learning to divide with knowledge of fractions, for example “Miss Grassi has 5 pies, she shares them between 15 people. How much pie does each person get?” The children were excellent at this and surprised the whole year 3 team with their hard work and knowledge. We then moved on to adding fractions with the same denominator using a bar model which the children were very confident with.
This week we have started our Geography element of our ‘from bean to bar’ unit. We learnt the 12 countries (13 if you count the French Guinea!) of South America and consolidated this learning through reading, playing games and singing songs. This then led to learning about the physical features of South America, we compared the physical features of our local area to South America and found similarities and differences.
Love to Learn
READING: Children in Year 3 are expected to read at home at least three times a week. It is really important that the children bring in their reading records daily so that we can check in with progress and read with the children in school. MyOn is a great way for children to read independently. Once a book has been read on MyOn it will ask you to quiz and direct you to the AR website. Please read as often as possible at home. Thank you for your support
Thematic: Write your own fact file on South America or Brazil
The expectations of uniform is that hair is tied back if it is below the shoulders. Hoodies (apart from those provided by the school) are not permitted and children should be wearing school shoes, not trainers apart from on Sports Project days. PE kit should be navy or black with a white t-shirt.
On Friday 19th May, all children should wear their PE kit for a short PE activity celebrating multicultural sport and disability games.
Viking Games - 23rd May
Colour Run - 26th May 2pm – 2:25pm