Year 3 News!
With three weeks to go, we are making the most of being in Year 3! We have had a very busy three days!
This week we have been learning about symmetry and lines. We learnt about horizontal and vertical as well as perpendicular and parallel. Next week we will consolidate our time knowledge. We have been practising our times tables daily and making huge progress!
This week we continued our learning of plants. We found out the function of the leaf and put our science skills to the test by seeing what happened when we deprived plants of sunlight. We noticed that the plants still grew, but their leaves were completely yellow compared to the plants grown in sunlight. Next week we will complete our final piece in art, creating a beautiful display in the hall ready for next year. We will also be taking our end of unit quiz to check in on how much we have learnt!
This week we finished 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane'. We used the story line to create our own books about our special toys that we brought in at the start of the book. On Monday we used our water colour skills to design our book cover. We then planned all the different characters and events that would happen. The rest of the week we wrote our stories focusing on fronted adverbials and weaving dialogue and narrative. Next week we will complete the story and then move on to writing information booklets about the rainforest.
Home learning
Please go on MyOn and read a book linked to the rainforest. We will be writing non-chronological reports next week and this extra knowledge will be very useful!
- Please return any sports kit as well as any school reading books by the end of the school year.
- KS2 sports day is Monday morning. Please can the children come dressed in bright colours! If you would like to theme to the countries, Team Turquoise are Brazil and Team Cyan are Jamaica.
- 14th July - End of Year reports go out
- 17th - 19th July - Transition days at school. Children will come to their classroom as normal on the Monday morning and will be collected from the top field with their new teacher at the end of the day. On Tuesday, the children will go to their new classroom door. These are the two doors nearest the staircase up to the top field (the other side of the conservatory!) Please ask if you are unsure.
- 20th July - inflatable fun!
- 21st July - 2pm finish
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Year 3 Team