What a fab week Year 3 have had. Let's see what we have been up to.
This week in English, we have finished our learning on our class text the Green Ship. The children wrote their own alternative endings to the story and wowed the year 3 team with their amazing imagination! Our year 3 children have been able to show off their amazing knowledge of past tense, fronted adverbials and ambitious adjectives to engage the reader.
Next week, we will be starting a new class text called ‘ The Princess and the White Bear King’. We will be recapping our setting descriptions, character descriptions and narrative writing.
In Maths this week, year 3 have been learning about statistics – using data to understand a problem. We have learnt how to accurately present tables, pictograms and bar charts and we have learnt how to interpret data from all three of these data sources. The children have been incredible with their maths learning this week and have really shown a secure understanding of statistics. Have a look below at our tables, pictograms and bar charts.
Next week, we are moving on to measuring length in mm, cm and m.
Fact of the Week
Next week our fact of the week is 6 x 3 = 18
Our Punctuation and Grammar learning this week has been focused on using past tense correctly and being able to change present and future tense to past tense.
In Spelling, we are continuing to focus on our year 2 red words and have been introduced to prefixes and suffixes:
Prefix – A word part that is added to the beginning of a root word to make a new word. E.g. re + appear = reappear
Suffix – A word part that is added to the end of a root word to make a new word. E.g. Success + ful = successful
Spellings for the spelling test on Thursday 30th November:
because, climb, eye, great, path, bath
Thematic curriculum
This week we have returned to our ‘Feel the Force, See the Light’ topic. We have been investigating how to use code on a computer. We started the week by learning how to independently log on to a computer and the main functions of a computer. We then moved on to use a program called Scratch Jr to start building code and learning how to move a sprite (character) which lead into our final lesson of coding a conversation between two sprites which we designed ourselves.
In Art this week, we looked at a famous artist called Joan Miro. We learnt about surrealism and Miro’s abstract approach to art pieces. We then replicated his art style coming up with our own surrealist artwork.
Next week in Thematic, we will be looking at why we need light and the importance of protecting our eyes from the sun. In Art, we will be continuing to learn about different artists and trying to replicate their artistic techniques.
Love to Learn
Please choose one of the following tasks to complete:
Measure different things around the home – record this in any way you would like e.g. pictures and measurements, video, photos etc.
Read an AR book and complete an AR quiz. Children will need their login (cps______ (username) viking 23 (password). The website for AR quizzes is:
Draw a picture of your favourite character from a book and label the picture with expanded noun phrases (adjective, adjective noun)
Adjectives – describing words
Nouns – naming words (things, places, names etc)
Other News
Next week for Art, the children will need cardboard boxes. Please can these be brought in for Tuesday 28th November. Thank you.
Dates to remember
Monday 27th – Thursday 30th November – Book Fair in School
Wednesday 29th November – Year 3 and 5 Come Dine
Tuesday 12th December – Church service 2:00 – 2:30
Wednesday 13th December – Christmas Fair from 3:30
Thursday 14th December – KS2 Christmas Parties
Friday 15th December – Christmas Jumper Dinner and Christmas Dinner
School ends at 2:00.
Wednesday 3rd January – Term 3 Starts.
READING: Children in Year 3 are expected to read at home at least four times a week. It is really important that the children bring in their reading records daily so that we can check in with progress and read with the children in school. MyOn is a great way for children to read independently. Once a book has been read on MyOn it will ask you to quiz and direct you to the AR website. Please read as often as possible at home.
Please can children bring in wellies for use at lunch time on the field.
Sports Project is on a Thursday – please wear trainers and school uniform.
PE is a Friday this term with swimming – children are to come into school in their PE kit but bring their swimming kit with them
We hope you have a lovely weekend!
The Year 3 Team