Weekly News 09.02.2024!

Year 3 have had a fantastic term! We can’t believe how hard they have worked. Here is what we have been up to this week:
In English this week, we have finished our learning on Anthony Browne by finishing the book ‘Gorilla’. We then focussed on organising our ideas into paragraphs by writing a letter from Hannah to her Dad, telling him of the adventures she had been on with the gorilla. We then consolidated our learning of emotive language and organising ideas into paragraphs by writing a letter to Anthony Browne, explaining our favourite of his books.
Next term, we will be reading The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton.
This week in maths, we have learnt about multiplication. We began the week by using mental methods to multiply. We then moved on to use written methods to support us with multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number with regrouping. Year 3 showed incredible resilience with this and we were super impressed with their attitude towards their learning.
Next term, we will begin by learning how to divide two-digit numbers by a one-digit number using written methods. Then, we will move on to answer one and two-step problems using statistics.
In our spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons this week, we have reviewed the skills from this term, including direct speech, compound sentences, complex sentences and spelling rules and patterns.
In the afternoons this week, we have been participating in RE lessons. We have been learning about Jesus and how Christians view him physically and morally. We used evidence from parables in the Bible to support our thoughts and ideas.
Next term, we will begin the week by learning about the British Values and discrimination as part of our PSHE lessons.
Love to Learn and Viking Speaker Competition
Each year we hold a speaker competition, with the aim of increasing the children's oracy skills. All Key Stage 2 children are invited to enter. For their home learning over half term, we would like your child to write their entry to the competition.
Their speech is to last no longer than two minutes. No slides or props are allowed in the competition and we encourage the children, as much as possible, to perform their speech from memory (cue cards are allowed if needed).
This year, the children can write about anything they wish, but the spech must start "If I ruled the world, the first thing I would do would be to......"
The children will have the opportunity to edit, improve and rehearse their speech during the first week back. Each class will hold a class competition during week two, where their class winner will be announced.
On Friday 8th March, we will hold our school final, where three Chilton winners will be chosen. These three children will be invited to the Trust final, held at Royal Harbour, on Friday 22nd March.
Once the children have written their speech, we advise them to practice it as much as possible in front of a small group at home and at school, in order to build their confidence.
We look forward to hearing the children's speeches and wish them all the best of luck!
Other News
Please ensure that your child is reading at home and bringing their reading record in to school every day. The expectation for KS2 children is that children read four times a week with an adult at home.
PE day for Year 3 is a THURSDAY next term. Please send your child to school wearing full PE kit.
Top-Up PE is on a FRIDAY next term. Please could children come to school wearing their uniform and trainers.
Important Dates
19/2/24 – Term 4 begins for children.
28/2/24 – Year 3 Trip to Dover Castle
2/3/24 – KS2 Cross Country at Quex Park
7/3/24 – World Book Day (more information to follow)
11/3/24 – Science Day (more information to follow)
15/3/24 – Red Nose Day (wear something funny for money)
15/3/24 – Parent Book Look 3:15
18-21/3/24 – Parent Teacher Consultations (dates and times coming soon)
21/3/24 – Rock your Socks Day
22/3/24 – The Speaker Finals at Royal Harbour
27/3/24 – Come Dine with Me Years 2&3
28/3/24 – Term 4 ends at normal time
Have a lovely half term,
The Year 3 Team