Weekly News 10.05.2024

We have had another incredible week of learning in Year 3 this week! It has been so nice to get out in the sun for some of our learning.
In English this week, we have started to write non-chronological reports on spiders. We began the week by researching spiders and creating plans for our reports. We then moved on to write the Introduction and Habitat paragraphs of our report, focussing on using conjunctions and subject specific vocabulary to sound like an expert.
Next week, we will continue to write our non-chronological reports, learning how to use adverbs and how to write captions for pictures.
This week in maths, we have learnt how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. We revised the difference between a numerator and denominator, before recognising that the denominator stays the same when adding or subtracting like fractions.
Nex week we will be applying these skills to solve word problems involving adding and subtracting like fractions. We will also be conducting mathematical investigations, focussing on the skill of Reasoning and Convincing.
Our fact of the week next week is 7 x 7 = 49.
In our spelling, punctuation and grammar lessons this week, we have learnt how to use commas accurately in a list. We have also looked at how to spell the months of the year.
In our afternoon lessons, we have continued our learning on the Mayans. On Tuesday we looked at the four main reasons behind the Mayan migration to the North. We researched these reasons in small groups and presented our findings to the rest of the class. On Wednesday, we learnt how conquistadors destroyed Mayan cities during the 16th centuries, and applied our learning to write in role as citizens during this time.
Next week, we will continue our PSHE learning and talk about Internet Safety in our Computing lessons.
Love to Learn
This week, we would really like children to be focussing on their spelling. We would like children to practise spelling the days of the week and the months of the year. This could be done in fun and creative ways, such as through art work, rainbow letters or chalk outside.
There has also been a book on MyOn set about spiders to support our writing in English.
Other News
Please ensure that your child is reading at home and bringing their reading record in to school every day. The expectation for KS2 children is that children read four times a week with an adult at home.
PE day for Year 3 is a THURSDAY this term. Please send your child to school wearing full PE kit.
Top-Up PE is on a FRIDAY next term. Please could children come to school wearing their uniform and trainers.