Welcome back! What a wonderful week Year 5 have had to kick-start Term 5.
In English this week, Year 5 started reading their new Term 5 book, 'Wolf Brother' by Michelle Paver. We were shaken by the demonic bear's attack on Torak and his father resulting in his father's death but excited to meet the wolf cub, who had also lost his parents. We wrote some wonderful descriptions of the bear as well as describing the bear attack itself focusing on powerful vocabulary and personification. Next week, we will be writing newspaper reports about the bear's attack.
This week, we have been recapped our Place Value knowledge. We studied how to count in different powers of 10, 100, 1000 etc and the relationships that these numbers share before moving on to Roman Numerals and learning those and their various rules that need to be followed! Next week, we will be looking at Addition and Subtraction.
This week, we have been studying Christianity and the different stories in the Bible and their messages. We read some well known stories (such as Joseph and his Coat), some lesser known stories like Ruth and Naomi and Daniel and the Lion's Den and some of Jesus's parables, including The Foolish Builder and the Wise Builder. We also began our PSHE study of Be Here, Be You, Belong for the term by focusing on Self-Respect and sharing different things about ourselves or what we have achieved that we are proud of.
Home Learning
Following on from the week's Maths, we would like the children to go on a Roman Numerals hunt! Where can you find Roman Numerals being used in 2023? It could be in your house, it could be in your local town, it could be anywhere! Take some photos or write a report or present your findings in any creative way that you would like to!
Viking Games
After a Covid enforced hiatus, we are pleased to announce the return of the Viking Games!
The Year 5/6 Viking Games will be held on Monday 22nd May at Upton Primary School. Children will need to arrive at school at 8:30am to walk to Ramsgate Train Station to catch the train to Upton. Children should come to school in their PE kits on the day with a t-shirt in their house colour if possible, with trainers. If the weather is hot, children should bring a hat, wear sun cream and have a water bottle with them. If it turns out to be a chilly day, jogging bottoms and a jumper will be needed! Children in Years 3 – 6 will also need a packed lunch as they will eat at Upton. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals, a lunch will be provided.
- Please could parents ensure that children are attending school in the correct school uniform and, on Fridays, in the correct PE kit.
- WEDNESDAYS remain our Sports Project day. Please could children attend school in normal school uniform with trainers.
- On Monday 24th April, Year 5 will be taking a local walk to Ramsgate beach. Please could children come to school in full school uniform but with comfy shoes to walk in.
Have a wonderful weekend.
The Year 5 team x