What a wonderful week Year 5 have had! They have all settled back in to school life and really impressed us!
This week in English, we have started our Term 1 book 'Ice Trap' by Meredith Hooper about Sir Ernest Shackleton's rescue mission in Antarctica. We created artwork of Antarctica to help us build up our vocabulary. Then, we wrote a setting description focusing on expanded noun phrases, ambitious vocabulary and figurative language. We then completed a big write focusing on the same skills describing either a city, a beach or a rainforest.
This week in Maths, we have been looking at Place Value. We spent time discussing the difference between digits and numbers before ordering and comparing a range of different numbers. Then, we focused on rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 and 10,000.
Thematic Curriculum
In the afternoons this week, we have had a number of PSHE sessions. We recapped the Chilton Way and discussed how we would ensure that we are showing the Chilton Way in the classroom, on the playground and at home. We looked at our Chilton values and created poems about the importance of Respect, Kindness, Equality and Courage. Finally, we discussed the importance of regulating our emotions and taking responisbilty for them before designing our own area in the classroom where we would be able to get ourselves back to green.
Love to Learn
Love to Learn books have been handed out today (Friday) and we would like the children to design their books in a way that expresses their personality.
Other News
- Top Up PE is on a WEDNESDAY. Please can children come to school in their uniform wearing suitable trainers.
- PE is on a FRIDAY. Please can children come to school wearing (correct and suitable) PE kit.
- Guitars will start next Thursday (14/9) both individual lessons and whole class Year 5 lessons.
Important Dates
-w/b 2nd October - Harvest Festival
- w/b 9th October - Book Looks
-w/b 16th October - Parent Teacher Consultations
Have a great weekend!
The Year 5 team x