Weekly News 22.9.23

Year 5 have continued their amazing start to the year with how hard everyone is working. Well done!
This week, we continued to finish our non-chronological reports on Antarctica. We researched about fun facts and finished our report concentrating on conjunctions and informal writing to engage the reader. We also finished the week by writing a report on something we were extremely interested in. We researched it on Thursday and wrote it on Friday. The results were amazing!
This week in maths, we began looking at dividing by 10,100 and 1000 using place value sliders. We then moved onto multiplying by 10,100 and 1000. We also looked at using both of these skills with decimals.
Thematic Curriculum
This week, we continued our new thematic unit called ‘Across the Pond’. We looked at the topographical features of North America, finding rivers, forests, lakes and mountain ranges on a map. We also compared the topographical features North America to the UK to see what similarities and differences there are.
Love to Learn
Can you please practice the spellings that are below.
Divide the numbers below by 10,100 and 1000
5982 2) 9321 3)7600
Multiply the numbers below by 10,100 and 100
67.4 2) 923.73 3) 254.56
Other News
- Top Up PE is on a WEDNESDAY. Please can children come to school in their uniform wearing suitable trainers.
- PE is on a FRIDAY. Please can children come to school wearing (correct and suitable) PE kit.
Important Dates
-w/b 2nd - Harvest Festival
- w/b 9th October - Book Looks
-w/b 16th October - Parent Teacher Consultations
Have a great weekend!
The Year 5 team x
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