Weekly news W/B 6.11.23

Dates to Remember
Wednesday 15th - Year 6 Come Dine with Me - see previous correspondence.
Friday 17th November - Children can come to school in their pyjamas for Children In Need for a voluntary contribution.
This week we have written character descriptions of the man that has been found in the garage, linked to our class text 'Skellig'. We have focussed on prepositional phrases and ambitious vocabulary. Next week we will be exploring writing narrative that involves dreams.
This week we have been refining our time-telling skills and solving time-duation problems using a timeline. Next week we will be looking at fractions, including fractions of shapes, amounts and converting between improper and proper fractions.
This week we have looked at significant people from the Viking period, including King Cnut and Alfred the Great. We explored stories about these people and made rock cakes, which we hope you enjoyed. Next week is Anti-Bullying Week. Monday is Kindness Day. During the week, the lessons will focus on banter, bullying, empathy and friendship groups. We will also have a visit from Kent Police to talk to discuss the themes of this week.
Home Learning
We would like the children t create posters titled 'kindness'. They should consider what kindness means to them and show this in any way they choose. Be Creative!
The spellings for this week involve adding suffixes to words ending in 'y'.
busy + ness = business joy + full = Joyful
carry + ed = carried stay + ed = stayed
beauty + full = beautiful hurry + ing = hurrying
rely + able = reliable copy + ing = copying
play + er = player delay + ing = delaying
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