Weekly News! 22.11.24
Another brilliant week for Year 3! This week we have been further exploring our Thematic subject ‘Feel the Force, See the Light’ and have seen some real budding scientists amongst the children!
Guided Reading
In Guided Reading, we continued our learning on The Green Ship by Quentin Blake, as well as exploring nonsense poetry. We began the week by summarising the story, creating our own story maps and then wrote
book reviews on The Green Ship. Continuing with Quentin Blake, we looked at a Nonsense Poem that he illustrated and then wrote our own, performing them at the end of the week!
Next week, we will be continuing with The Green Ship.
In English this week, we moved our descriptive writing on by focussing on characters. We created interesting character vocab maps by drawing around each other on huge sheets! We carefully considered different word classes and varied vocabulary to describe the characters of The Green Ship. We then spent the next couple of days creating detailed descriptions of our chosen characters, finishing the week with a character description of the elusive captain.
Next week, we will continue with The Green Ship with our writing focussing on speech and narratives.
In Maths this week we have begun our learning on Statistics. We started the week by exploring bar charts, carefully interpreting them with the data given. We then began to use to data to create our own bar charts, being careful to include a title, labels and consistent integers. We finished the week by looking at pictograms, we read them and solved problems using the data. We ensured we were careful to check the key and what this represented.
Next week in Maths we will be looking at Measurement, focussing on m, cm and mm.
Fact of the week
Next week, the fact of the week is 2X12=24 and 12X2=24.
In the Thematic this week we continued our learning on our topic ‘Feel the Force, See the Light’. We researched famous scientist Albert Einstein and learnt that his famed theory helped to explain how gravity works. We also has the opportunity to explore the effects of magnets, noting which materials are magnetic and that not all metals are attracted by magnets. We found that opposite poles (North and South) attract one another, whereas aligned poles repel one another (South and South or North and North).
Home Learning
Continuing on from our English learning, please write a creative character description of a character of your choice. This might be a character from a film, TV programme or your favourite book! Be sure to include their personality traits as well as their appearance. You can also include a drawing!
Other News
-With the weather getting colder, please ensure your child comes to school with a coat each day.
-We will now be completing regular timetable quizzes. This term we are focussing on our 5, 10 and 3 times tables. Please be sure to practise with your child at home. Another great way for them to practise is to play ‘Jamming’ on TTRS and ensure 2s, 5s and 10s have been selected. If your child is beginning to find this easy, try adding in 3s! It would also be helpful for your children to begin playing Garage more regularly.
- Year 3 children should read 4x weekly. Please ensure you are reading with your child as much as possible to support them in their reading progress and make a note of this in their Reading Record.
6th December – Year 3 and 5 Come Dine with Me
11th December – Chilton Christmas Fair from 3.15 – 4.30
17th December – Year 3 and 4 Church performance at 2pm
19th December – Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 Christmas party day (party clothes to be worn)
20th December – Christmas jumper day (children can wear usual school uniform with a Christmas jumper)
20th December – School Christmas dinner
20th December – Last day of school; School finishes at 2pm; No after school club on this day
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