18.10.24 Weekly News!
Throughout English this week, we have moved on to persuasive writing. We have begun writing a persuasive letter to Shackleton to persuade him to give us a job on Endurance for the expedition. We have used modal verbs, persuasive openers and looked at the structure of our writing. Next week, we will be finishing our letters.
This week in maths, we have been looking at time. We started of by recapping time, going through quarter past, half past and quarter to. Moving on to converting between analogue and digital time. Finishing the week by looking at converting units of time such as, how many minuets are in 6 hours.
For our thematic this week, we have moved on to science. We have looked at the different types of animals from North America and how they can be classified. We then moved on to the classification of plants and compared them to Animals. Next week on Monday, we are having a North America day. This will consist of Mr Cook doing an activity from Canada, Mrs King America and Miss Isaac Mexico. The children will be going through each activity in the morning. In the afternoon, we will have a Big Fat Quiz of the term as a whole year group in the hall.
Create a tourism poster to persuade people to visit Canada, America or Mexico. Think about the climate, the culture of the Topography (landscape).
Our Fact of the week this week has been 12 X 6 = 72 and our spelling rule has been spelling words with the suffix ably.
Dates for your diary
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited in to look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children
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