Weekly News! 06.09.24

The children have had a really positive start to Term 1 - long may it continue! They have worked hard and challenged themselves and we have been really proud of their efforts.
This week, we worked on understanding the importance of place value within a number and challenged ourselves to read, say and write numbers up to 10 million. As an extra challenge, we worked as a Year 6 team to order numbers on the KS2 playground, looking for the most significant column first. We compared numbers and solved problems based on this. Next week, we will play a fun game that will help us to make sense of adding and subtracting negative numbers and we'll also work on how to round numbers.
The children were introduced to our new text, which we will work on for the next few weeks. 'Way Home' is a picture book with a twist at the end (which we will keep secret for now!). From this, we have asked questions and predicted what we think the theme of the book is. We have also picked out vocabulary from the setting and have written our own setting description of an alleyway, using figurative language and expanded noun phrases to engage the reader. Next week, we will write a non-chronological report based on our text.
Playing fun getting-to-know-you games has been a successful way to make bonds; Year 6 is all about teamwork! Our PSHE topic this week has focussed on our motto: One Childhood One Chance. The children created the school logo, each having a piece of the puzzle that they could make their own. We have also discussed what makes us good learners and have identified the importance of understanding the zones of regulation. Next week, we will begin our new topic, 'Darwin's Delights'.