This week, the children were using the diamond method to halve and double numbers. This method encourages children to partition numbers before doubling or halving them. We also identified prime and square numbers before solving problems based on them. By the end of the week, we were practising techniques for multiplying a range of numbers, which we will continue with next week before moving onto division.
Through reading more of Floodland, we have begun to understand the characters a little more. As a result, we have been able to write using characterisation, thinking carefully as writers what each person is like. We used dialogue to add to the characterisation: what would each person say and how would they say it? We wrote a conversation between different characters in the story.
We have been learning more about how scientists classify animals using the same questions: Is it an invertebrate? How many legs does it have? Does it lay eggs? This led onto thinking about how plants are classified. We went out to the forest school to find the different types of plant around the local area. We have also now received a wonderful resource box from the Powell-Cotton museum at Quex where the children could scrutinise a range of animal bones. From this, they could ask questions about how it had evolved to suit its natural environment. By the end of the week, children were drawing the bones, applying their skill of form and tone to create the shape and consider the light.
Love to Learn
Using your observational skills, considering tone and shape, find something interesting to draw. Be sure to draw what you can see - not what you think you can see - and look where the light (or lack of light) hits the object. You can draw whatever you would like but take pride in your drawing skills and fill the page!
Contact the Year 6 team:
Team Periwinkle: Mrs Bax and Mrs Rowland-Hill
Team Teal: Mr Wheeler
Team Ultramarine: Mr Abel
Dates to remember
Term 1 PE for Year 6 – Wednesday (Swimming)
Term 1 Extra Sports – Every Thursday. Children to wear trainers to school.
Wake Up Shake Up – Every Wednesday morning on the top playground from 8:30am.
Wednesday 16th October – No year 6 swimming this week; usual PE lessons to happen
Thursday 17th October – Kent test results to parents
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited in to look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children