Weekly News 18.10.24

Contact the Year 6 team:
Team Periwinkle: Mrs Bax paula.bax@chiltonprimary.co.uk and Mrs Rowland-Hill helen.rowland-hill@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Team Teal: Mr Wheeler david.wheeler@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Team Ultramarine: Mr Abel tom.abel@chiltonprimary.co.uk
Dates to remember
Term 1 PE for Year 6 – Wednesday (Swimming)
Term 1 Extra Sports – Every Thursday. Children to wear trainers to school.
Wake Up Shake Up – Every Wednesday morning on the top playground from 8:30am.
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited in to look at children’s books at 3.15pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children
In maths this week, the children have worked hard to continue their understanding of multiplication. Beginning with developing our times tables skills through playing different games (Hit the Button was a real favourite!), the children used an effective written method for multiplying TO x O before moving on to TO x TO. For challenge, the children solved a range of problems that were presented in a variety of ways. Next week, the children will be finding the best method for solving division calculations.
Thoroughly enjoying Floodland, the children have read more of our class text. Next week, we will read a fight scene between two of the characters and we'll make some fun - yet gory - work on it using red paint! This week, we focused on starting our writing in interesting and worked on beginning with ED-ING-LY:
Puzzled, the man scratched his head.
Falling on the floor, William looked back at the hazardous bench.
Joyfully, the children danced to school.
Now we have completed our learning of Darwin's Delights, the children enjoyed a big, fat quiz, where they got to work together to answer Mr. Abel's quiz. The winners received a bag of skittles each. This was excellent retrieval for our end of topic learning. The children also readdressed the Big Question: Is change good? It was interesting to hear how our answers had sometimes changed.