Weekly News! 18/10/24

Well done for reaching the penultimate week of term! Thank you all for your continued support at home with reading books and sound books. This Friday your child’s love to learn books will be sent home with the following task:
October Love to Learn Task
One of our topics next term is all about transport. We will be
looking at different ways that we can get from here to there!
Over the October half term, we would like your child to talk about
different forms of transport and then complete one of the tasks
Take some photos of you on different types of transport/standing in front of them. Which is your favourite and why?
Draw pictures of different types of transport. What are the main features (e.g. a car has 4 wheels)?
Make a model of a type of transport.
Have a go at writing some transport related words (e.g. big red bus).
Stand on the pavement (safely!) and look to see what transport goes past.
Come up with your own idea relating to transport!
We cannot wait to see your Love to Learn activities. Please make sure that they are in school by Wednesday 6th November.
Many thanks,
The EYFS Team J
This week we have practised our set 1 sounds and speedy recall. Children need to be able to recall sounds speedily to support their fred talking. Please continue to practice recalling sounds at home to support your child with this.
We have also begun to learn what ‘red’ words are. Green words can be fred talked as we can use our sounds to hear what the words are. However, red words do not follow this rule, and we say, ‘You can’t Fred a red!’ We listened to some red word songs and talked about why they are red words.
This week we have been developing our spatial awareness. We started the week by making shape pictures in a variety of ways. We had to manipulate the shapes to enable them to fit a certain way, we had to think about where they were going to go in relation to other shapes in the pictures.
Following on from this, we learnt some prepositional language including in, on, under, above, next to, in between, in front and behind. We used these words to show where our farm animals were eg the pig is in the pig sty, the cow is behind the shed. We then described where things are in our classroom using propositions- the carpet is in front of the board, the zen den is behind the loose parts. Using this knowledge, we worked with our partners to draw a map of our classroom. Partner A described where things are in our classroom for partner B to draw it onto their map.
Next week we will be learning about repeating patterns.
This week’s thematic centred around the story The Little Red Hen. We started to make predictions about what we thought might happen in the story using the front cover to help.
We discussed foods from the farm and where they come from. We learnt that milk comes from a cow, bread comes from wheat and eggs come from a hen. We discussed our likes and dislikes and tried some of the foods too.
After that, we learnt about different jobs on the farm. We learnt about mucking out the animals, feeding the animals, sowing and then harvesting the crops and collecting eggs. We gave actions to these jobs to help us remember and discussed with our partners which job we would like to have.
After learning about the farm animals, we then learnt their babies' names. So far, we know that cats have kittens, pigs have piglets, cows have calves and sheep have lambs.
Next week in thematic, we will be learning some more about animal babies and we will be making bread to share with you all.
We will also have an autumn day when we learn all about autumn.
Other News
Just a reminder, phonic books are changed every Tuesday and Friday- these are to go into the basket. The yellow box is out everyday for you to change your child’s book corner book with them.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are named (this includes their PE kit).
Dates for your diary
We invite you in to school on Wednesday 23rd October at 2.50 to share the bread your child have made from the Little Red Hen.
Thursday 24th October – Parents invited into look at children’s books at 3.05pm
Friday 25th October – Inset day – School closed to children
Email addresses for contact:
Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you all for your support,
The EYFS team