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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 22nd May

It’s FriYay! Good morning to you all! Another week completed. Well done to everyone who has been doing some (or all!) of the activities on the blog each day. We are proud of you all. A reminder that next week is May Half Term and so no daily blogs will be posted. We hope that you have a relaxing week (hopefully in the sunshine!) Please do still send us some photos via email from your half term so we can see the wonderful things you get up to.

It has been lovely to speak to some of you on the phone over the past few days. It has put a big smile on our faces to hear your voices and to find out what you have been doing. Don't worry if you were a bit too shy to speak to us though!

Here is today's learning...


To start today, go through some of the red words which were sent home in your packs (choose either the Year R or the Year 1 or a mix of both). Have a go at reading them and then challenge yourself to write them (choose about 5 words)

Watch the story: The Day the Crayons Came Home by clicking on this link:

Pause throughout the story and ask your child questions about the story e.g.

Which colour crayon waited 8 months to be collected?

What do the yellow and orange crayons not want to be anymore?

Which colour crayon was eaten by the dog?

For your writing task, imagine you are a coloured crayon and write a postcard to Duncan. What colour crayon would you be? What things are that colour? You could write a postcard in the style of the storybook or you might like to write a postcard giving clues about your colour e.g.

Dear Duncan,

I am the colour of the grass.

In the nursery rhyme, there are 10 bottles of my colour hanging on the wall.

The trees leaves are my colour in the summer time.

What colour am I?

From Mr Green Crayon


To warm up our maths brains today, click on the link:

Select the level your child will feel most comfortable with.

Over the past few days, you have been solving addition and subtraction word problems. Today, we will have a mixture of adding and subtracting questions so it is very important that you read the questions carefully and try and visualise what is happening to work out whether you need to add the numbers together or use take away.

See the attached sheet for the questions (there are three to choose from – select the challenge you feel would be right for your child).


Today is our last lesson on our topic! We would like you to create your own game/toy. You may create a new board game or create a puppet (e.g. a hand puppet using a sock) or a new toy. We would love to see your wonderful creations so send us some pictures if you are able to.

Helping at Home!

Today, we would like you to help make the beds in the house!


That's all for today. We hope you have a happy Friday!

Stay Happy and Stay Safe!

Miss Wright, Miss Cheshire and Mrs Walker


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695