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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 16th October

Happy weekend everyone!


Thank you all so much for the boxes we received over the past few weeks. They went to good use, just look at our topic learning below …

We have had a learning filled week this week and are looking forward our half term break coming up.

Here is what we have been learning this week:


After learning about addition last week, we have now moved on to subtraction. We learnt which words are associated with subtraction; subtract, minus, less, left and take away. We made up some fun stories to demonstrate something being taken away, and the answer getting smaller.

We showed subtraction in other ways too, we used cubes to make a number then take the smaller number away. We also practised subtraction by crossing out pictures to find the answer.

We will continue to learn about subtraction next week, linking our learning to the part part whole model.


In RWI most children are learning their set 2 sounds now. It is great practise for children to find sounds in a ‘fastest finger first’ game. Knowing where to find sounds on their sound charts will support your child when they are writing. It also reinforces what that sound looks like and will help your child’s recall of that sound.

Children have been practising building their reading fluency by not ‘fred talking’ (sounding out) every word. As your child gains in confidence, they will not need to fred talk every word, but they may need to still ‘fred in their head’. As children begin to fred talk less, their reading becomes more fluent.

In topic, we have written about the job of fire fighters. We learnt about the equipment they use on their fire engines and the different types of jobs they attend. We are focussing on using capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and applying the sounds we are learning to our writing also.


As mentioned, we learnt about fire fighters and the work they carry out. With their learning partners, children had to design and make an emergency vehicle of their choice. There was a lot of problem solving involved, for example how to attach the wheels to enable them to be able to turn. Children showed great resilience and teamwork to complete their designs and vehicles! Here are some examples of our work.


  • Friday 23rd October is the last day of term. This is also our exit point for our topic and we invite children to come to school dressed as what they want to be when they are older.
  • School will reopen on Tuesday 3rd November as Monday is an INSET day.
  • If you have not already, please book a time slot for parent teacher consultations.

Have a lovely weekend!

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695