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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News!

Term 2 Week 6 


This week in Maths we have been looking at money! We recapped our learning by recognising different coins. We then moved our learning on by comparing amounts and even moved on to notes! Today we looked at creating different amounts, by using different coins. Any practise at home with money would be amazing!


We have been working so hard this week on our Nativity! Miss Keam and Miss Davey are so impressed with how well we have learnt our lines, dance moves and songs! We can’t wait to show you on Wednesday our amazing Christmas Production!


This week in English we have started looking at verbs and adverbs and the difference between them. We have been playing verb charades and had to use verbs and adverbs to describe how the poor Stickman escaped from all his traumatic events! In Guided Reading we have been looking at rhyming words and even thought of our own! We then had to show, in drama, how our facial expressions mean different things! We acted out the Stickman’s facial expressions at different moments in the story.  

Home Learning

This week we would like you to practise using money! You can take pictures of you spending, adding or creating amounts or even answer some tricky questions about money!  


  • PE is on Tuesdays – Please remember kit.
  • Please remember to tie hair back.
  • Nativity costumes all need to be in by Monday 9th December.
  • Please read with your child as much as possible. Please ensure you sign the reading record. Thank you! J

Children are always encouraged throughout the day to have a drink of water. There is also plenty of opportunities at break and lunch times to have a drink.


  • Wednesday 11th December: Year 2 Christmas performance at 9.15am in school hall.
  • Friday 13th December: Sibling Christmas ‘Come Dine With Me’ for whole school.
  • Chilton Christmas Fayre in the school hall from 3.30-5.00pm.
  • Monday 16th December: Magic Man Christmas Treat for year R, 1, and 2. This is funded by the Chilton Fundraisers and will take place from 2pm – 3pm.
  • Tuesday 17th December: EYFS/KS1 Christmas party. On this day all children in year R, 1 and 2 can come to school in non-school uniform. Whilst we appreciate that the children will want to come in their party clothes, we ask that their clothing is still appropriate for the weather.
  • Please see previous blog to see what food children need to bring in.
  • Wednesday 18th December: Pupils come to school in school uniform but can wear a Christmas jumper, rather than their school jumper. School finishes on this day at 2pm.
  • Team Ocean Class Assembly – 22nd January

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695