Story of the Roman Empire unfolds at Chilton Primary

A visit to Dover Castle for Chilton children
The history, heritage and culture of Ancient Rome has been explored by children at Chilton primary in Ramsgate.
An in-depth investigation into the civilisation that helped shape the world has formed the thematic learning curriculum for Year 3 pupils.
Early on their voyage of discovery they visited Dover Castle – within the walls of the medieval structure stands a much older building, dating from a time when Britain was an outpost of the Roman Empire. The Romans built a lighthouse here after they invaded in AD 43, to guide ships into the harbour.
The Dover ‘pharos’ is now one of only three Roman lighthouses to survive from the whole of the former Roman Empire. It is also the most complete standing Roman building in England.
Children were inspired by the visit and looked out for topographical features on the castle grounds.
Next they found out about key events during the Roman rule of Britain and plotted them chronologically, before learning about the Roman army and what their soldiers looked like.
To discover more about the reasons for the invasion and the impact on Britain, pupils re-enacted their findings. They also considered Hadrian’s Wall, why it was built and then wrote diary entries from the viewpoint of a citizen living near it.
The advent of Queen Boudicca, the inventions of the Romans and their beliefs, including the introduction of roads, public toilets and aqueducts.
A dressing up day as Roman citizens, nobility and soldiers was another fun part of a topic that also included getting to grips with literacy and numeracy from the era.
Deputy Head of School Hannah Cheshire said: “This is a fascinating part of our country’s history and our children were amazed at how many changes the Romans introduced to our culture, how the civilisation expanded and how the effects can still be seen today.”
Chilton Primary is part of the Viking Academy Trust with Upton Junior School, Broadstairs, and Ramsgate Arts Primary.
**For more information contact Head of School Alex McAuley on 01843 597695