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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Online Safety

Advice for Parents and Carers on how to keep children safe online

For additional advice and support in school, please speak to Mr McAuley, Mrs Cheshire (Designated Safeguarding Leads), Mrs Rowland-Hill or Miss Davey (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads).

We know that a huge number of our children are actively participating in an online world.  The majority of children's experiences of the Internet are fun, safe and a wealth of learning opportunities can be found online. However, it is vitally important that we teach children to explore this world safely and with the knowledge of how to keep themselves safe.

There are an increasing number of sites and web content that can be upsetting and even dangerous for children. Chilton Primary advises that parents engage with children in all aspects of their online activities:

- Be aware of how your child engages with the online world (gaming / youtube / website surfing) - be open honest and transparent in talking about this.

- Talk to your child about their online habits - many children won't recognise harmful content

- Be aware if your child is engaging in social networking and decide what is appropriate for your child. Keep an eye on what they view on social media.

- Make sure your child knows what to do if they do come across inappropriate content or something that makes them feel uncomfortable (stop looking, tell an adult).

-Make sure your child accesses age appropriate content and gaming.

- Check your own parental controls on ipads, mobiles devices and computers

- Make sure that your children don't share personal information unnecessarily or unsafely

- Talk to children about their own conduct online - is it kind, is it useful, is it helpful, is it respectful?

- Consider limiting screen time or having a set time that the WiFi goes OFF!

Parent Guides for Online Safety - Click Here!

Government advice on keeping children safe online:

Here's a video made by our 'IT Gang' for Safer Internet Day 2022:


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Further Parent Information:

Here are two resources to support families with online safety at home:

Digital Parenting 

A free online safety guide, created by The Vodafone Foundation and Parent Zone. It is packed with important information and expert advice on issues relating to Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 4, including: Managing children's sleep and setting digital boundaries; How children can enjoy a safer start on social media; Better family communication around tech; Expert advice on gaming addiction, self-harm and virtual reality and creating a better family digital-life balance

Resources and Golden Rules

This helps family reach agreements on screen time and behaviour online

For further help and advice:

BBC Own It

Advice on safety for children, parents and teachers

CEOP Education

The place to get advice on and report an inappropriate or potentially illegal content or action that you see online.


An online resource helping to make the Internet a great and safe place for children

Get Safe Online

A wealth of advice on all aspects of online safety

Parent Zone

Advice on being a digital parent

Remove Harmful Content Online

Useful links to reporting online issues

UK Safer Internet Centre 

This website contains a wealth of resources and content about how to keep children safe online. They are also the group behind the Safer Internet Day initiative that is celebrated on a yearly basis.

Digital Life Skills 

A site with guidance on advice on how children can become confident and resilient online.

Educate Against Hate - Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism

Other Resources

Safer Internet Day

Kim and Lee's Adventure (A cartoon teaching 5-7 year olds to be safe online)

Fact Sheet for Parents

Supporting Young People Online

Ofcom's report on use of media:

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695