Friday 8th March 2024

Dear Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well. It's been an incredibly exciting week here at Chilton and I am thrilled to share some highlights with you.
World Book Day
Firstly, a huge thank you to all the parents and children who made World Book Day such a resounding success. The creativity and enthusiasm displayed in the costumes were truly remarkable! It was a joy to see our students dressed up in the theme of bedtime stories, bringing their beloved stories to life. Your support and participation in making this day memorable for our children are deeply appreciated.
On a personal note, this week has brought flooding back my own fond memories of reading when I was at primary school. I will always remember falling in love with Roald Dahl's stories, with "Danny Champion of the World" being my personal favourite. Reading has always been a time for families to come together and share stories that make us laugh, smile, or even cry. Through the pages of a book, we can learn a lot about ourselves while also discovering distant lands or even galaxies! I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Rowland-Hill for making this World Book Day so special and for reminding me of my own cherished moments of reading when I was little.
As part of our World Book Day celebrations, our fantastic teachers recorded 'masked reader' videos, where they read stories behind various masks. It's a fun challenge for both children and parents to guess which teacher is behind each mask! I encourage you to explore these videos with your children over the weekend, providing them with an extra dose of storytelling magic.
Parent Teacher Consultations
Moving on from World Book Day, I'd like to remind you that parent-teacher consultations are now live and available for booking via the MCAS app. If you haven't already booked your slot, please do so at your earliest convenience. You can find the link to the timings of each class below. As always before our Parent teacher consultations, we will welcome you all into your child’s class after school on Friday 15th to see their learning before your PTC session.
For more specific information about your child's class activities and updates, remember to check our class blogs regularly. The link to the class blogs can be found here.
Looking to next week...
Looking ahead, I'm excited to announce that next week will mark our first class assembly of 2024, with Year 4 presenting their learning journey so far. We extend a warm invitation to all Year 4 families to join us for this special event. Doors will open at 8:55 a.m. for a prompt 9:00 a.m. start.
Also next week, we will start the week with an exciting Science day! The children will discuss what a scientist is, before moving onto exciting scientific activities based on this year’s theme of time. Next week, the book fair will be available before and after school every day! After the excitement of world book day this week, let’s keep our children’s thirst for stories going by coming along to the book fair. On Wednesday, Year 6 will be visiting Ramsgate Tunnels. I have visited these on many occasions and love them every time! I know that our Year 6 Children will have a wonderful time.
Friday is Comic Relief (Red Nose day) and we will be inviting the children to ‘Wear something funny for money’. So, the children can wear any weird and wonderful combinations of clothes to look funny and we will welcome voluntary donations for the charity.
PE and sports project days can be found here.
More Term 4 Dates:
Friday 22nd March – The Speaker Finals at Royal Harbour Academy
Monday 25th March – Come Dine With Me for Reception & Year 6
Monday 25th March – Come Dine With Me for Years 1 & 5
Tuesday 26th March – Come Dine With Me for Years 2 & 3
Wednesday 27th March – Come Dine With Me for Year 4
Thursday 28th March – Easter Egg Hunts
Thursday 28th March – Easter Bonnet Parade 10:30 for Reception, Year 1&2 (parents invited)
Thursday 28th March – Term 4 ends (normal time @3:15)
Friday 29th March – Good Friday
Chilton Heroes Assembly Winners: