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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 30th September

Happy Friday! We are fully in the swing of term 1, and the children are settled into their school routine. We hope you have a lovely weekend.


This week, we have been learning the new sounds o and c. We have also reviewed the sounds a, d and . Please note only new sounds learnt will be added to children’s sound books.

When learning new sounds, we learn the sound (not the letter name) and the grapheme (written form of the sound). We practise saying the sound, finding the sound and writing the grapheme. We have also been playing oral blending games. This is when the teacher says a word like a robot (breaking a word down into its sounds) eg c-a-t, the children have to listen carefully to hear the word- cat! We have also been identifying the initial sounds of words by playing games such as I spy.

Finally, we work with Fred (our class frog) to build words using our sounds. Fred sounds out a word and we have to make it using the correct letters.

You could support your child’s learning at home by playing games such as I spy and speaking like a robot using sounds. For example, ‘Please could you pass me your c-u-p?’


This week we have been exploring numbers 6-10. We have learnt some number rhymes to help us remember the number formation, and then counted out numbers from a larger group. We had to be careful to make sure we only counted one for every object we took. We also counted a group of objects which were in an irregular arrangement. To help us, we placed the objects in a line to make the counting easier.

Next week will we be learning more about numbers 6-10 including the matching numicon and matching numeral to amounts.


We celebrated the beginning of autumn this week and learnt an autumn poem. We rehearsed in our houses, then performed in front of the rest of the class. The children were so confident to perform in front of others- well done!

It has been our last week of our first topic Marvellous Me! We learnt what a self-portrait is, and looked at lots of different examples. Using mirrors, we then created our own self-portraits. We learnt how to critique this week, following the rules to be kind, be helpful and be respectful. When looking at others’ work, we described what we liked about it, and what could be improved if they drew another self-portrait.

For the end of our topic, we had a day where we ‘dressed to express!’ The children loved talking about what they were wearing and why. Thank you for your efforts.

Returning clothing to school

If your child has needed to wear some of the school’s uniform (underwear as well as clothes), please could these be washed and then returned as soon as possible. We are already running very low on pants and knickers. Thank you in advance.


We do provide breakfast for children who have not had time at home to eat. Please let your child’s teacher know if they need breakfast.

Email addresses for contact:

Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Important information

We would love to have a stone painting activity with the children next week. Please could we ask for donations of stones to be brought in to school. 

Monday 17th October – Harvest festival assembly

Thursday 20th October – parents/carers invited in to taste the delicious bread children will be making

Friday 21st October – last day of Term 1


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us,

Many thanks,

The EYFS Team


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695