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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

4th November 2022

Celebrations all around!

Happy Friday to you all, we hope you have had a lovely week!

Read Write Inc:

-The children have been working hard at learning new sounds, w, x, z and th this week. They have been orally blending words with these sounds and have even been pointing out these sounds in words around the classroom! 

-Next week, the children will be placed in their very own Read Write Inc Groups, which will be tailored learning to their individual needs.


-We are incredibly proud of the children's independent choice of learning this week in Maths. The children have been choosing from 4 activities that have been focused on learning how to write, count out, subitise and use appropriate vocabulary for numbers up to 5. 

-Next week, the children will be focussing on repeated patterns.


-This week we have been learning about celebrations around the world. The children have been learning about the Festival of Lights. The children have made their very own Diva Lamps from clay and have decorated them using a range of artistic materials. 

-Next week, the children will be focusing on one of our values, Kindness. We will be having a whole day to delve into the importance of Kindness and how we can show acts of kindness. Also, we will be looking into the celebration of Bonfire night. The children will be creating their own bonfire and eating marshmallows.


-We will be starting our extra sports curriculum every Wednesday as of next week, so please can children come in uniform but wear trainers.

-9th November are sibling photos

-11th November come dine with me

-14th November Odd sock day for anti -bullying

-17th November- Flu vaccinations

-18th November Children in need non school uniform

Please can we have any junk modelling brought to us, the children love creating!


Have a great weekend, 

Reception team.


Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695