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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 19th May

We have reached the end of the penultimate week of term 5. We can’t believe that by next week we will only have one more term left together. Time flies when you’re having fun!

Important information:

Reading afternoons continue on Mondays at 3pm. As the weather starts brightening up, please feel free to make use of our outside area to share a book together.

Thursday 25th May – Viking games. We ask that your child comes in wearing their house colour t-shirt and PE clothes. Please ensure that your child is prepared for the weather forecast also eg sunhats, sun cream, jumpers etc Children will need to bring adequate water for the day also.

Friday 26th May- Colour run and the last day of term. Please read the following important information about the colour run:

Starts at 1.05-1.25. Children wear their old clothes into school and bring a full change of clothes, a towel and a plastic bag for messy clothes to go in.                                                                                                                                  

Please enter school through the allotment gate. Once they have run their allotted laps around the track, all children will be taken back to their classroom. Children can then be collected from their classroom straight away. If you do so, we advise you to bring something to cover your car seats!

Monday 5th June- INSET day

Tuesday 6th June- Term 6 starts

Wednesday 7th June- Wingham trip. If you do not need your Wingham pass over the school holidays, please could you bring them in to school by the end of next week? If you will be using them, could we ask for them to be brought in on Tuesday 6th June please?

Next term we will be beginning our transition into year 1 by introducing the points system which runs through the rest of the school. This has been explained to the children, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher. 


RWI has commenced this week and children have been learning and recapping set 1 and 2 sounds. We have been blown away with the children’s reading, especially when recognising special friends in words. Thank you so much for your continued support with reading at home. It really does make a difference. During our writing sessions, we focus on formation of letters. We do this by focussing on formation families, which are ‘curly caterpillars,’ ‘ladder letters,’ ‘one armed robots,’ and ‘zigzag monsters!’


We have had so much fun this week creating repeating patterns using stickers from the Hungry Caterpillar story. We recapped our learning on repeating patterns AB eg red, blue, ABC eg red, blue, yellow and ABB eg red, blue, blue. We then explored how patterns can appear in different forms for example in a circle or a square. Using the same idea of repeating the same unit, we completed patterns using stickers and working with our partners.  

We then spent some time in the forest school working independently to use natural materials to complete our repeating patterns.

Next week we will be learning about measure.


Our focus this week has been around the nonfiction book The Seed is Sleepy. We explored the features of a nonfiction book, and found that we could go to any page to find out new information. We learnt lots about different seeds and what they grow in to. We took our frames up to the top field to look for things which have grown from a seed, then used our observational skills to draw them.

We had so much fun drawing on the top field, we thought it would be good to explore an artist who enjoys creating art using natural materials- Andy Goldsworthy. We learnt that he makes his art out in nature using sticks, stones, leaves and even cow dung! In groups, we went into the forest school to create our own art using natural materials we found on the floor.

We checked on the beans which we planted last week in different conditions and drew out the lifecycle of a bean including the stages- seed, germination, leaf growth and flowering.

Team peacock were very lucky this week, we got to watch as 3 of our caterpillars woke up from their chrysalises. It was an amazing experience as we got to watch our beautiful butterflies emerge. We will now wait until our butterflies have dried their wings and filled their bellies before we release them next week.

As we near the end of our term of PSHE learning- Be Here, Be You, Belong, we focussed this week on our community. We discussed the incredible things we already might be doing to help out in our communities including cleaning up after ourselves when we visit the beach or helping our neighbours. We wanted to make someone in our community smile, so decided to paint some rocks with positive messages for people to find. Next week, we will be hiding our rocks in the community for people to fins, and hopefully we will brighten someone’s day!

Next week we will be exploring deforestation and the importance of trees through the story Wangari’s Trees of Peace.


We hope you all have a restful weekend.

Email addresses for contact:

Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695