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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

26th May 2023

Thank you for a wonderful term, you have all worked incredibly hard and this term has seen some wonderful learning!

What a way to end the week and the term, a colour run, Viking games and setting our beautiful butterflies free after watching then develop and grow.  Thank you for your continued efforts to support the children in and out of school. We hope you all have a wonderful half term full of family fun, rest and new adventures.

Important Dates:

We are sending a small slip home with what your child is saying in our assembly net term. Please practice this with them over the half term, thank you!!!

Monday 5th June- INSET day

Tuesday 6th June- Term 6 starts

Wednesday 7th June- Wingham trip. If you do not need your Wingham pass over the school holidays, please could you bring them in to school by the end of next week? If you will be using them, could we ask for them to be brought in on Tuesday 6th June please?

Next term we will be beginning our transition into year 1 by introducing the points system which runs through the rest of the school. This has been explained to the children, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your class teacher.

We have a class assembly Thursday 15th June and would love to see you all there if you are able to. Please queue outside the main office after dropping your chid off in the morning.

Reading with parents on a Monday will continue from the 12th June at 3pm.


Our next topic will be ‘Dinosaurs’. We would like you to create something, either a piece of art, fact sheet or a model of a dinosaur. During our next topic, we will learn all about dinosaurs; the food they ate, where they lived, names of the different dinosaurs etc. Please return your Love to Learn work by Wednesday 7th June. Your child will then be able to share their work with their friends in class.


We have been working hard on set 1 and set 2 sounds and the children are beginning to recognise set 2 sounds when reading. We have been singing the capital letter song please follow the link to sing it at home:


This week, we have been measuring length and weight using scales to compare the weight of objects and cubes to compare the height of objects. The children worked as a team gathering items to put in the scales. They had to measure how many cubes were the same weight as the object they had found. Then, they compared the weight of the objects and used vocabulary such as, heavier and lighter in context. The children had to write their results down and compare them with their friends to check their answers.


What a wonderful week for ending our Topic on Growth. We have seen enthusiasm from all areas of this Topic, and whilst the children, and adults, are sad to say goodbye to this topic, we have lots of wonderful learning to look back on. We have been watching our class caterpillars evolve into butterflies. We set them free and watched them spread their wings and fly for the first time.


The children have been reading the story ‘Wangari’s Trees of Peace’ which they have been reflecting on by exploring the similarities between Kenya and the UK and what grows in each country. Later, we explored what forms a Tree such as the crown, roots and bark. They labelled a picture of a tree by using the facts they had learnt.

The children have been delving into making positive impacts in the wider community. They painted rocks with positive affirmations on, ready to deliver them around the local areas to brighten people’s day. The children had great enjoyment from thinking of words that would make people smile and loved hiding them for people to find. Let us know if you find any on your ventures around Chilton.


Next term, we will be learning all things DINOSAUR!

Email addresses for contact:

Please do email us with any concerns/questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695