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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Friday 9th June

Wow what a fantastic start to term 6. The children have come back rested and ready to learn. We want to say a massive thank you for all your hard work with the children’s love to learn task also. We can’t wait to share this lovely learning with the classes when we start our dinosaur topic next week.

Wingham trip

This was the most successful trip all thank to the children’s exemplary behaviour. We are bursting with pride at how all the children conducted themselves, they were such fantastic representations of Chilton! A massive thank you also goes to our wonderful parent helpers. The trip would not have been possible without you. Please enjoy some of the highlights of our day.


Some children have been settling into new groups this week. Most children are now working at book level, this is where they will have a structured reading and writing aspect to the lesson as well as their speed sounds. We also have some groups who are moving on to learn set 3 sounds. This is when we begin to learn that some sounds might look the same, but sound different, or sound the same but look different. eg the chatty friend u-e can be said as oo as in June or you as in use. Also the chatty friend a-e as in cake and ai for snail.


This week in maths we have explore the composition of numbers 6-9. We found different ways of breaking this number into different parts, then focussed on finding 2 parts. We used cubes and worked systematically to find all the ways to make a number. We then wrote our findings into part part whole models. Children are getting much speedier when recalling these number facts, which will continue to support their maths learning as they progress through the school.

Next week we will be learning about subtraction.


This week we have had a healthy relationships week. In reception this is where we spend time exploring kind and unkind words. We discussed what unkind words are, and how they make us feel when we hear them. The important message here is that the hurt is not visible as it is on the inside. During our circle times, we thought of ways of dealing with unkind words including explaining to the owner of them how they make us feel. On the other side of this, we thought of what we can do to stop us from saying unkind words. This brought us back to our zones of regulation and we reinforced what we can do when our feelings are heightened.

Next week we will begin our dinosaur topic!

Important information

  • We are running very low on spare underwear, including pants and socks. If your child has been changed at school please could these be returned, or you have any spare you could donate we would be very appreciative.

  • Please read the attached letter regarding the summer fair.

  • Reading afternoons will continue on Mondays at 3.

  • Reception assembly is next Thursday 15th June @ 9am

  • Thursday 22nd June class photos


Thank you for your continued support.


The EYFS team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695