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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News! 22.9.23

We have had another wonderful week in Reception. The children have settled so well and are showing the Chilton Way already! We are all very proud of each and every child! Keep up the fabulous work!


This week we have started our Read, Write, Inc lessons. This is the programme which we use to teach phonics. Throughout the year, the children will learn new sounds, will learn to orally blend, read words and write words. Throughout the first term, we teach the children Set 1 sounds. This week we have learned: m, a, s, d, t. Throughout these lessons we teach children how to say these sounds accurately, what they look like and how to write these sounds. Each sound comes with a phrase to help children remember how to write the sound. For this week, these are:

m – Maisie, mountain, mountain

a – round the apple and down the leaf

s – slither down the snake

d – round the dinosaur’s bottom, up his talk neck and down to his feet

t – down the tower, cross the tower

Sounds books

Each week we will send home a pink sounds book. You will see the sounds we have been learning that week and ask that you practise these sounds at home. There is more information for what you can do on each page in the sounds book as well as the phrase for each sound. These books will be collected in on a Wednesday and will be sent home again on a Friday.


This week we have been continuing to count. We have been learning how to count objects in an irregular arrangement (when they are not in a line). We have been learning to move the objects in to a line if we can to make counting easier or to cross off the objects if they are on paper and we cannot move them. We have been working really hard on this!

Thematic Curriculum

In the afternoons this week, we have started our Marvellous Me learning. We started the week by sharing our Love to Learn books with our partners, talking about the pictures in there. We have also been learning about families and how families can be different. We spoke about who is in our family and created our own family tree. Later on in the week, we spoke about what we like and dislike. When talking, we encouraged the children to speak in full sentences (I like…..because…….).

Harvest Festival

Later this term, we will be celebrating Harvest. As part of this, we would like to invite families in to watch our Harvest Assembly. These will take place in the school hall on the following dates:

Tuesday 3rd October: 9am Year R and 1 and 2.45pm Year 2

Wednesday 4th October: 9am Year 3 and 4 and 2.30pm Year 5 and 6

Please enter the school via the main school office.

As part of the celebrations, we will also be collecting food that we will be donating to Thanet Food Bank. We will be taking donations between Wednesday 27th September and Monday 2nd October. If you are able to donate, the food bank accepts any tinned, jarred or packet foods that are in date.

In addition to this, as part of our celebrations all children will be entered into a raffle to win Captain Moo Man and Paulo, our reward bears from last year

We look forward to seeing you all there!

Dates to remember

  • Harvest Festival – see information above

  • PE will start on Friday 29th September. PE kits are to be worn in to school on that day.

  • Thursday 28th September will be the end of our Marvellous Me learning. To celebrate this, we would like children to come in to school ‘dressed to express’ themselves. Please do not feel like you need to buy anything for this, but use what you already have at home. For example, If your child loves dinosaurs, you could make a picture of a dinosaur and attach it to a t-shirt that you already have.

Come Dine with Me

Now that all the children are settled into school life and in the full swing of the lunchtime routine, we would like to invite you in to come and have lunch with your child. This will take place on Friday 20th October. Team Cornflower will dine at 11.30 and Team Sapphire at 11.45. You will receive a message via MCAS with information about how to book. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Other information

  • Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.

  • All clothing to be named please!

  • Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books.

e-mail addresses

Have a look at some of the fun things we have been doing at school this week in the photos below!

Many thanks for all your continued support,

EYFS team





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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695