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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly News 20.10.23

We made it! It is amazing how time flies, but we have reached the end of the first term at school. Thank you so much for your help and support, and we hope you all have a well-rested week off. We would like to thank you all for coming in to speak with your class teachers. It was great to get to share your child’s successes with you.

Love to learn

Your child’s love to learn book will have been returned to you with a new task inside. This is as follows:

October Love to Learn Task 

One of our topics next term is all about transport. We will be

looking at different ways that we can get from here to there!

Over the October half term, we would like your child to talk about

different forms of transport and then complete one of the tasks below:

  • Take some photos of you on different types of transport/standing in front of them. Which is your favourite and why?

  • Draw pictures of different types of transport. What are the main features (e.g. a car has 4 wheels)?

  • Make a model of a type of transport.

  • Have a go at writing some transport related words (e.g. big red bus).

  • Stand on the pavement (safely!) and look to see what transport goes past.

  • Come up with your own idea relating to transport!

Please can love to learn books be returned to school by Wednesday 1st November ready to share with the class


This week we have continued our whole class RWI sessions. We practise saying, writing and making words with our new sounds. We then help Fred to build words using some of the sounds we have learnt so far. We have to pinch the sounds on to our fingers eg red, we would hold up 3 fingers and pinch the sounds r-e-d. We then have to help Fred to find the sounds, build the word and then read it.

This week, we have learnt the following sounds:

r- down the robot’s body, and over his arm

j- down his body, curl, dot for his head

v- down a wing, up a wing

y- down a horn, up a horn, and under his head

Please continue to practise these sounds with your child in their pink sound books. It is important that your child can recognise these sounds when they see them and form the letters correctly. Please return your child’s sound book every Wednesday into the box outside the classroom. They will be returned to you on a Friday.


This week in maths, we have been subitising. This is where we notice amounts without having to count them. Most children can subitise an amount up to 3 in an irregular pattern, beyond this we can notice parts and discuss what we see. We went into the forest school to subitise what we noticed on the floor, for example 2 feathers and another 2 feather nearby. Some children spotted 2 branches together on a tree and one other branch next to them. Identifying objects in parts this way, will help children as they learn addition and subtraction further up the school, as they will understand that numbers are made up of different parts.

At the end of the week, we learnt about repeating patterns. We learnt that patterns follow rules just like we do at school. The patterns we explored this week were AB patterns, which means there are 2 things which repeat. We identified the rules in the AB patterns, then made our own.

When we come back from half term, we will be learning about height and length in maths.


This week in thematic, we learnt about the jobs there are on farms. We gave the jobs actions and had to act them out for our partners to guess. Some of the jobs we learnt about were milking cows, shearing sheep, planting and harvesting crops, mucking out the animals and looking after the baby animals. We read the story Little Red Hen and discussed the animals in the story. We learnt the names of those animal’s babies eg a baby cat is a kitten, a baby duck is a duckling. We then extended our learning to other farm animals and their babies. The children have really enjoyed re-enacting farm life during their power play this week.

In the story the Little Red Hen, we discussed if we thought it was fair the hen ate all the bread in the end. We felt bad that the hen had no help from the other animals in the story, so thought we could help her to make some bread. We discussed how the hen planted the seeds, cut the wheat, then used the wheat to grind into flour. We learnt about how to make bread by mixing all the ingredients, including the flour, and kneading the dough. Thank you to all those who were able to come along to share the bread we made, what a great experience to share the food we have made!

Important information

Monday 30th October- Inset day, term 2 starts on Tuesday 31st October

Thursday 9th November – individual photos

Friday 10th November – children are invited in to wear their service uniforms to school for Remembrance day


e-mail addresses

Many thanks for all your continued support,

EYFS team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695