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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Weekly news! 03/05/2024

Weekly News! 03.05.2024

Now the sunshine has shown itself, we have really embraced the outdoors this week. As we are learning about Growth, the children have been immersing themselves in discovering things that grow all around us- and what changes we’ve been seeing! In class, we have some special guests. We have welcomed some very tiny caterpillars, who we have been watching grow by the day. The plants that you all kindly took your time in growing at home for their project have been doing really well (much to the surprise of the teachers).

Read Write Inc

We are proud of the children’s dedication to their reading and writing. They have shown us incredible independence and are applying techniques taught in their Read Write Inc sessions when writing independently. We have been focussing on ‘red words’ and ask that the children practice recalling these at home. We have selected a few for you to revise below:

There is a song we sing at school to help us remember:



This week in Maths, We have been exploring number bonds to 5. The children started the week off by using their number bond knowledge to complete addition calculations. Later in the week, the children used their number bond retrieval to do subtraction calculations. They use their hand signs to help them remember +,- and =, I’m sure they would be more than happy to show you!

Next week, the children will be exploring properties of shapes.

Be here, Be you, Belong

This week, we have had a lesson on why it is important to show and receive love. The children have been discussing all the ways they feel and show love by expressing them selves through dance, art and music. At the end of the term, we will be having a dress to express day, which the children will be participating in a parade. They have chosen the song, ‘You’re my best friend’ by Queen as the song to express them selves to.


 This week, we have been continuing with our Growth topic. We read the story Tadpoles promise, which lead beautifully onto learning about the life cycle of a frog. The children learnt about the stages of growth a frog goes through and used their artistic skills to create art based on what they have learnt.

Next week, we will be exploring the life cycle of a butterfly and reading ‘The very hungry caterpillar.’

Other news:

  • We are incredibly excited to announce that on the 6th of June we have Olympic gymnast Danny Crouch visiting Chilton, to deliver a class assembly with a Q & A session and a short fitness session. Every child has received a sponsorship form this week to complete and fill in to try and raise as much money as possible for Danny to help him with his career. There will be prizes for the most amount raised! If you would like any extra information about Danny, his crowdfunding page is linked below.

  • PE kits need to be worn in to school each Friday please.

  • Please ensure that children have a named water bottle which is already filled with water at the start of each day.

  • All clothing to be named please!

  • Please complete the WOW moment sheets regularly so that we can add these to the children’s learning journey books

Dates to remember:

8th May - Year R hearing and vision test

23rd May - Reception Viking Games at Ramsgate Arts Primary School

24th May - Dress to Express day and Be here, be you, belong parade at 2.15 on school field

24th May - Last day of term


Many thanks for all your continued support,

EYFS team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695