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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Week Beginning 27/02/23 Team Indigo and Team Royal

Wow what a fantastic week we have had in Team Indigo and Team Royal, take a look at what we have been up to this week….

World Book Day

Miss Davey and I were so impressed with all your wonderful costumes you wore to World Book Day. 

For World Book Day we looked at poems by the poet Joseph Coehlo and focused on his tongue twisters ‘Try’ and ‘Red Robots’. We then performed these poems in pairs and groups to the rest of the class. We took inspiration from the poet Joseph Coehlo and his poem ‘The Window’. We wrote our own poetry based on our 5 senses and then created our own vision of what is outside our window.



We have been amazing mathematicians and done incredibly well this week we are so proud of how hard you have all worked! We have continued to look at length and use the column method to add and subtract lengths.

Guided Reading

This week in Guided Reading we learnt to make decisions based on evidence. We had to decide if we wanted to keep our super power a secret or if we want to share it with the world. We had to make some important decisions! We used evidence from the text to support our decisions!



This week in English we continued our book Max by Bob Graham. We focused on our writing skills by varying our sentence openers using conjunctions and a variety of punctuation.

Please find the link to the book on YouTube


Each week we will be practising new spellings. If you would like to have a go at home, the spellings are:


























Thematic Curriculum

Our thematic curriculum is all about the Wonderful World.

This week we looked at the local artist Robert Bradford and took inspiration from his recycle artwork to create our own! We worked in our house teams to create these fantastic pieces of art!

Love 2 Learn

We need your Help!

Our topic is all about our Wonderful World and we would love to create an outdoor garden area with the children. We would really appreciate your help if you have any of the following at home that you know longer need.

Outdoor plants

Climbing plants


Pots with soil

Artificial grass

Bird feeders

Thank you!

Swimming and Sports Project

We will be swimming on a Thursday, please can children come into school in their PE kits on this day. Please can children also bring in a swimming bag that is clearly labelled with swimming wear, towel, goggles and a snack in their bag for after swimming.

Sports Project will continue on a Monday please can children come in their school uniform and wear trainers.

Blue Peter’s Amazing Authors Competition

Blue Peter is giving a young writer the money can’t buy prize of getting their story brought to life by children’s author Tom Fletcher!

Children will be asked to write an original short story, or poem (under 400 words) about adventure; thinking too about exciting characters at the heart of it. The winning story will be made into an audio book voiced by Tom Fletcher and be animated to be shown on Blue Peter and CBeebies Bedtime Stories. They will go behind the scenes to experience the book publication and animation process, receive a printed copy of their story, a framed still from the animation and an orange competition winner’s badge.

To enter Blue Peter’s Amazing Authors Competition please read the rules below. This competition is open for entries now and will close at 5pm on Wednesday 8th March 2023. This competition is open to children aged 5-8, 9-11 and 12-15 years.

Click here to access the full competition information

Reading at home

Outside of the classroom, you may have noticed we have a box of books with the sign 'Book Swap!'. The idea of this box is simply to bring in a book and swap it with one in the box to read at home and enjoy. We all have so many wonderful books at home that collect dust and we thought let's see if we can swap and share them. This box will be kept outside of the classrooms so please feel free to use whenever you wish.

On the subject of reading, when reading with the children this week, it has been noticeable that not as much reading is happening at home. Please may we politely remind you that additional reading at home makes a huge difference to the children's progress. At school, we are reading daily in groups, pairs and sometimes individually, however it is vital that children get the opportunity to read at home too. We understand how busy lifestyles are but reading for 5 minutes when you can would have a huge, significant, positive impact. We have IPads in the classroom if AR quizzes are needed to be completed so please just let us know in the morning if the children need one. If your child finds reading difficult at home, please find below at the bottom of this page a document called 'paired reading'. This strategy can support children who are reluctant to read at home for a number of reasons. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can support further in any way. Thank you for your support.

Next Week:

Next week in maths we will continue with length using multiplication and division.

Next week in English we will be introducing a new book How to Find Gold by Viviane Schwarz.

We will be continuing our thematic curriculum Wonderful World. In history we will be creating a fact file on how Thanet has changed using different resources to create fact cards. Later in the week in geography we will be looking at the 4 countries and the capital cities of the United Kingdom on a map. We will then create our own instructions using North, East, South and West to get to different countries when reading a map.

Key dates to remember:

-Comic Relief is on Friday 17th March

-The Book Fair in school is Monday 27th to Thursday 30th March

-Parent-Teacher Consultation Week – Monday 27th March – Friday 31st March

Monday 13th March Come Dine with Me Siblings

Tuesday 15th March Come Dine with me Year 2

Friday 31st March Easter Bonnet Parade


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695