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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

W/b Monday 6th March - Weekly News - Team Royal and Team Indigo

Guided ReadingHow to Find Gold : Schwarz, Silvia Viviane, Schwarz, Viviane, Schwarz,  Silvia Viviane, Schwarz, Viviane: Books

In Guided Reading this week, we started a brand-new text called 'How to Find Gold' by Viviane Schwarz. We started the week by predicting what would happen in the story by using clues from the front cover, we discussed if we thought it would be a fiction or non-fiction book and then read the story for the first time. As the week went on we used more of our fantastic reading skills such as questioning by thinking what questions we would ask the characters, clarifying vocabulary from the story and answered questions about the book focusing on writing in a full sentence. We finished the week by being superb actors and freeze frames specific parts of the book! 

Here is a link to the book if you would like to listen to it :)


In English this week we have been looking at time conjunctions, commands and sentence construction all to create our very own maps and instructions to follow like in the story of 'How to Find Gold'. The children have been coming up with wonderful ideas, take a look at an example as we came up with as a class... First, put on your favourite waterproof diving suit and see through goggles. Then, walk carefully on the sea floor past the small, rough stone boulder until you see a bright yellow seahorse.

The children have been so proud of their learning this week, their proud pegs have been continuously updated with their proud learning! Go Year 2!


This weeks spellings are..












In Maths this week we have been learning about multiplication and division in the context of measuring length. We started the week by recapping our learning of multiplication using arrays, some of us can now multiply without arrays! We then used this learning to support us answer questions like... 

Tara has 4 books.
Ravi has 3 times as many books as Tara.
How many books do they have altogether?

We then moved on to division. We started with the sharing method, then the grouping method. We solved problems like...

Thematic Curriculum - Wonderful World

This week we have been focusing on History of the local area while looking at Dreamland in Margate. On Monday we learnt amazing facts like Dreamland was originally called the Hall by the sea in 1860, in 1874 it opened a zoo, in 1919 it opened a wooden rollercoaster called 'The Scenic Railway' and most recently in 2018 it opened up a stage for music and in 2022 it was used as a film location! We used this learning to create fact files! At the end of the week we plotted important places like Margate, Ramsgate, London and the 4 countries of the UK on a map and recapped our previous learning on continents and oceans of the world. What a super week of learning! 

Love to Learn

We need your Help!

Our topic is all about our Wonderful World and we would love to create an outdoor garden area with the children. We would really appreciate your help if you have any of the following at home that you know longer need.

Outdoor plants

Climbing plants


Pots with soil

Artificial grass

Bird feeders

Thank you!

Reading at home

Outside of the classroom, you may have noticed we have a box of books with the sign 'Book Swap!'. The idea of this box is simply to bring in a book and swap it with one in the box to read at home and enjoy. We all have so many wonderful books at home that collect dust and we thought let's see if we can swap and share them. This box will be kept outside of the classrooms so please feel free to use whenever you wish.

On the subject of reading, when reading with the children this week, it has been noticeable that not as much reading is happening at home. Please may we politely remind you that additional reading at home makes a huge difference to the children's progress. At school, we are reading daily in groups, pairs and sometimes individually, however it is vital that children get the opportunity to read at home too. We understand how busy lifestyles are but reading for 5 minutes when you can would have a huge, significant, positive impact. We have IPads in the classroom if AR quizzes are needed to be completed so please just let us know in the morning if the children need one. If your child finds reading difficult at home, please find below at the bottom of this page a document called 'paired reading'. This strategy can support children who are reluctant to read at home for a number of reasons. Please let us know if you have any questions or if we can support further in any way. Thank you for your support.

Easter:Where Did the Easter Bunny Come From? - Easter Bunny Origins

Easter will soon be here and we will be holding our traditional Easter egg hunts and bonnet parade in school. Children in Year 2 are invited to make an Easter bonnet or hat if they would like to and bring it in to school on the final day of term (Friday 31st March). We will hold a parade in the hall for parents to come along to at 10:00 and prizes will be awarded for the most impressive creations. 

Key dates to remember:

-Comic Relief is on Friday 17th March

-The Book Fair in school is Monday 27th to Thursday 30th March

-Parent-Teacher Consultation Week – Monday 27th March – Friday 31st March

Monday 13th March Come Dine with Me Siblings

Tuesday 15th March Come Dine with me Year 2

Friday 31st March Easter Bonnet Parade


Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday!

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

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Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695