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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Team Indigo and Team Royal Week beginning Monday 27th March 2023

Wow Miss Davey, Miss Barlow and I were so proud of all your Easter Bonnet entries this year, it was a lovely way to end the term by inviting you all to the Easter Bonnet Parade, you all did a fantastic job!


This week in maths we have been looking at position and direction. Our key vocabulary this week was forwards, backwards, left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn, half turn, full turn and three-quarter turn. We started the week looking at animals on grids to see the position they were facing and the direction they were going in. We then worked with our partners outside and gave directional instructions making sure our learning partners were facing the right way first. This meant we had to include turning left/right before we moved forwards/backwards! Miss Barlow, Miss Davey and I were really impressed with the vocabulary used. Well done Year 2! 

Guided Reading

This week in Guided Reading we continued with our book The Lonely Beast our focus this week was to answer questions in full sentences.  We ended the week comparing The Lonely Beast to a poem Why? We looked at the repetition and patterns we could see in the poem and The Lonely Beast.


This week in English we continued our book The Lonely Beast and wrote a newspaper article we focused on past tense, verbs and adverbs. At the end of the week we looked at inverted commas to add to our newspaper report and we had to decide where the inverted commas would go in the text.

Here is an example of the text:

I felt even more lonely when the people ran away from me. The Lonely Beast told us.

I just want to find other Beasts.

We then worked on improving our own writing by reading it out loud, checking for punctuation, spelling and where we can add more detail. Miss Davey and I were very proud of how well the children are doing with this!


Each week we will be practising new spellings. If you would like to have a go at home, the spellings for the English group are:

The spellings for the RWI group are:

Thematic Curriculum

This week in our thematic curriculum we became Artists! We looked at the beautiful Menelaus Blue Morpho which is the national butterfly of Peru. We experimented with watercolours and poster paints to create different tones of blue. On Wednesday we celebrated the end of our Wonderful World by bringing in something from the United Kingdom. We showed courage by trying new things and telling the class our amazing facts we had so much and want to say a big thank you to you all for making it so memorable for the children.

Love 2 Learn

P.E and Sports Project

 P.E is back on a Tuesday for Term 5.

Please can the children come in their PE kits. This should be plain navy blue or black jackets and trousers/shorts with a white t-shirt and trainers.

Sports Project will continue on a Monday please can children come in their school uniform and wear trainers.

Next Term:

Next term in English and Guided Reading we start with the book Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies 

Our next Thematic Curriculum unit will be on  'A Pirates Life for us' where we will be kick-starting our learning by going on a local area walk to the smugglers caves! 

Next term in maths we will be looking at Geometry!

Key dates to remember:

Term 5 begins – Monday 17th April 2023

Early May Bank Holiday – Monday 1st May

Red, White and Blue day for the Coronation – Friday 5th May

Coronation bank Holiday – Monday 8th May

Term 5 ends – Friday 26th May 2023


Have a lovely half term, and we will see you all on Monday 17th April!

Miss Hall, Miss Davey and Mrs Barlow

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695