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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 16.9.22

Year 3 have had another brilliant week! Thank you so much to everyone that sent in boxes; the children had a great time making and riding Roman chariots.

Here is what we have been up to this week:


In maths this week we have continued with finding 1, 10 and 100 more and also learnt how to find 1, 10 or 100 less than a number. The children made the numbers with their base ten equipment and took away either a one, ten or hundred block for finding less or added them for finding more. We have then moved on to addition. We have been adding by partitioning with the base ten equipment first, making each number out of base ten and then joining th blocks together to find the answer. We then added using the written partitioning method like this:

253 + 146=

200+ 100 = 300

50 + 40 = 90

3 + 6 = 9

So 300+90+9 = 399 

We then finished the week, learning how to add on an empty number line. Next week we will continue with adding on an empty number line and learn how to find missing numbers in addition calculations. 


In English, we have continued to read The Green Ship by Quentin Blake. This week we have been learning how to write a setting description. The children have been using expanded noun phrases (adjective, adjective noun) to describe the green ship, such as:; long, thin masts, emerald green, bushy funnels. We then got to the part of the story where the children pretend that they are going on adventures on the ship to the Arctic and Egypt. The children learnt how to use their senses to describe what they could hear, see, smell, feel etc in their setting and wrote a postcard from their chosen destination. To finish off the week, we have been using WOW adjectives to describe the storm that descends upon the ship and the children. We have learnt some new vocabulary - sprawled, jagged, indigo, parched, billowed. Next week we will be retelling the story of The Green Ship and enjoying some oral story telling.

Here we are training as crew of the Green Ship:


This week we have begun our new topic called Revolutionary Romans. The children have enjoyed making Roman Mosaic pictures and Roman chariots. We have been geographers this week and used maps to find out where Rome is on maps of different scales. We are then finding out where the Roman Empire spread using atlases and maps.

Love to Learn 

The children will be bringing their new Year 3 Love to Learn book home with them this Friday. For their first challenge, we would like the children to write their name on their books and decorate them to show their personalties and things that they like.

Reading and TTRS

In Year 3 we check the children's reading records every day so please send them in with these daily. The expectation for Year 3 and 4 is that they read at least 3 times a week; we thank you or your support with this.

The children should also be playing some sessions of TTRS at home every week please. 


Each week, the children will have 6 spellings to learn and they will be tested on these on a Thursday.

Mrs Cousins' group - pick, back, sock, truck, chick, clock

Mrs Gale and Mr Allen's group - stray, greet, right, below, shook, tray

Mrs Ellerington's group - wrong, wrapped, writing, wreck, wriggle, wrist

Miss Grassi's group - city, cell, icy, cycle, mice, exercise


Year 3 PE - Mondays

Year 3 Sports project day - please wear normal uniform and trainers - Wednesdays

A reminder that water bottles should only contain water, no squash please. Many thanks.



Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695