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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 23.9.22

Year 3 have had an absolutely fantastic week! Here is what we have been up to this week.


In Maths, we’ve been learning about using number lines to help us with our adding. We started with adding on an empty number line. Students would write the biggest number at the start of the number line, partition the other number and jump in however many 10s and 1s there are along the number line.

We moved onto solving number problems using number lines. We had the answer, and one of the numbers we started with, but we had to work out what we were adding to it.

For example: 23 + ?  = 35

We would start at 23 on the number line, and count how many times we jumped until we got to 35. That would be our answer! We did a fantastic job with this in Year 3, well done everyone!


In English, we have been coming to the end of reading The Green Ship. We’ve been focusing on varying our writing this week. We started by creating story maps of the story so that we could move on to writing compound sentences using our ‘FANBOYS’ words to put them together. We then moved on to using time and place conjunctions like ‘suddenly…’ to help show how time moves in our writing. Finally, we looked at how to vary our sentence openers to keep our stories interesting!


In Topic, we’ve continued to learn about what the Romans have done for us. We discussed what Britain was like before the Romans invaded which included talking about how the Celts lived in the Iron Age with roundhouses. Then, we talked about how the Romans defeated Britain. We found the differences between the Romans and Celts based on their armour, weapons and organisation. Finally, we talked about how the Romans changed Britain. This included creating a news report that some students delivered to the class!

Love to Learn

Your challenge for Love to Learn, is to create a Roman shield, a piece of Roman Jewellery or Roman house. You can make it out of whatever craft items you would like! We look forward to seeing them for Wednesday the 28th of September.


We’ve continued to check everyone’s reading records every day and have seen some fantastic reading! Keep going and please make sure they are sent in every day. Just a reminder that Year 3 is expected to read at least 3 times a week. Thank you for your help!

If you can also play TTRS still please keep going, that will be a great help.


The next 6 spellings to learn for the students, and again we will be tested on Thursday is:

Mrs Cousins’ group – quack, queen, quit, quick, quill, equip.

Mrs Gale and Mr Allen’s group – school, stood, rookie, slowly, throw, snooze.

Mrs Ellerington’s group – wrinkle, wrist, wrong, write, wrong, wrote.

Miss Grassi’s group – saggy, choppy, muddy, boggy, funny, yummy.


Year 3 PE Monday

Year 3 Sports Project day – Wednesdays


We look forward to seeing you next week!

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695