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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 14.10.22

We have had another amazing week in Year 3. We have been busy practising for our Harvest Festival assembly and our Roman presentations and song, so we hope that you will be able to come in and see these (dates below).

Here is what we have been up to this week.


In English this week, we have read to the end of our story, The Princess and the White Bear King. The children then did an incredible job at sequencing the story and retelling the story in small groups in front of the class. The story had quite a lot of key events but they managed to get them all in the correct order! We then began to retell the story in writing. In our opening paragraph, we focussed on learning to use time conjunctions to start our sentences such as All of a sudden, After a while, A week later, Early the next morning, Late that night. The children learnt that they should use a comma after the time conjunction like this:

Early the next morning, the Princess asked her father to make her a magnificent crown like the one from her dream.

Time conjunctions (we also call them time openers) are a type of fronted adverbial. In the next paragraph of the story, we learnt to start our sentences with other types of fronted adverbials such as Without warning, Nervously, In the snowy, frozen forest.

Next week, we will be continuing to retell the rest of the story, learning to use subordinating conjunctions to write complex sentences and to use vocabulary to create suspense.


In maths this week, we have been dividing and multiplying. First of all, the children recapped division as sharing and grouping. We then moved on to show division and multiplication calculations on bar models (see the picture below).

The top bar model shows 12÷3=4 or 3 X 4 = 12.

The bottom bar model shows 9÷3=3 or 3X3=9.

We finished the week with an investigation where the children had to learn to work systematically through the problem to find the solution. Next week, we will be learning to tell the time on an analogue clock so if you have any time over the week to practise telling the time with your child, that would be very helpful. In Year 3, the expectation is for the children to be able to tell the time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock.


This week we have been busy preparing, practising and filming our Roman presentations for you all to see at our Roman museum. This week has also been our art week when the children have been learning about sketching. They have learnt about different pencils (e.g. HB, 2B, 8H) and that they can use these to get different effects in their sketching. They have had a go at using shading to create tone and a 3D effect and we have then sketched some famous Roman Emperors. Next week is our RE week, where the children will be learning about signs and symbols in religion.


Dates for next week:

  • Tuesday 18th October – School photos

  • Tuesday 18th October at 2.30pm – Year 3 Harvest Festival Assembly – please come into school to see this.

  • Wednesday 19th October – 2.45pm – Our Roman museum – please come in to see your child’s topic learning from this term.

  • Wednesday 19th October – Children may come to school dressed in Roman outfits

  • Friday 21st October – Halloween Disco

Monday 31st October is a staff development day.

Love to Learn

 A MyMaths multiplication task has been set for the children. If you need a paper copy, please see your child’s class teacher.

Please spend some time playing TTRS.


Many thanks

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695