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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News 3.2.23


In English this week we have been reading Gorilla by Anthony Browne. The children have thought about other books or stories that they can make connections with that are similar to this story, such as The Snowman. They have learnt to describe characters from the story using a range of ambitious verbs, adverbs and adjectives. They have also ensured they are describing more than just what the character looks like but also their personality, actions, their thoughts and how they feel. 


In maths, we have been subtracting. We have focussed on mental methods to begin the week, without any regrouping e.g. 364-153 can be completed mentally by first subtracting the ones to get 1, then subtracting the tens to get 1 and then subtracting the hundreds to get 2, so the answer is 112. Solving a subtraction calculation that needs regrouping is much more difficult mentally. When trying 52 - 17 = mentally, the children partition the 17 into a 10 and 7 in their head, first subtract the 10 (52-10) to get to 42 and then subtract the 7 to get to 35. The children have also used diennes blocks (see photos below) to regroup a tens stick into ten ones, so they were then able to finish the subtraction.

Thematic learning

This week, we have been continued our food technology learning. The children have made chips and also tasted a variety of salad bar foods to learn about texture, taste, colour and how this affects our food choices. Here we are making our chips:



Spellings to learn

bridge       judge        badge         fudge        charge        large        energy       gentle        giant      giraffe

Challenge words: opposite    different      experiment

Love to Learn

This week we would like you to find out about magnets. What are they? How do they work? What do they do? What are magnets used in? Make an information sheet about magnets. You could include pictures too.


- Mrs Cousins will be departing for Year 4 next week, her last day teaching Team Cyan will be Wednesday 8th February. 

- End of term disco - Friday 10th February KS2 is 4.30pm-5.30pm.

- Next term, PE is on Tuesday afternoons and Sports Project is on Tuesday also (so only one day needed to wear trainers!)

Sponsored Walk for The Royal Marsden – Monday 20th February 


You may be aware that one of our children has spent the last three and a half years being treated for leukaemia. That treatment has now finished and we would like to celebrate this momentous occasion and mark the end of a difficult time for part of our community by running a sponsored walk in aid of The Royal Marsden. This will be held on the first day back in Term 4 – Monday 20th February. 

Children are invited to come in to school wearing their own clothes and we would encourage them to choose the brightest colour clothing that they have. We would also recommend wearing trainers

We are going to walk in a relay from the school, differing distances depending on the children’s ages, over Chalk Hill and to the Viking Ship and back (the youngest children will walk the shortest distances and so on). 

We are asking for a voluntary donation or for the children to voluntarily collect what they can to be donated to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. 

We hope that this will be a celebratory occasion as well as raising some funds for an excellent and much needed cause! 

We hope you have a good half term break,

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695