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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 Weekly News - 10.2.23


In English, we continued to read the book Gorilla by Anthony Browne. We discussed which of the books we preferred this term. Gorilla, Into the Forest or The Tunnel. We’ve focused on letter writing this week and learnt about how we lay out a letter including the address. We also learnt how to use complex sentences in our writing this week using ISAWAWABUB’s and have put a lot of effort into putting it in our work.


In maths, we have been multiplying. We have been using our base 10 and multiplication squares to help us. We have been using the short multiplication method and started without using regrouping. When we got confident with that, we moved on to using regrouping with our base 10 and practised this a lot. We think we’re getting more confident with it.


This week, we have been learning about Jesus in RE. We discussed how the first picture of Jesus was not drawn until 150 years after his death, so we are not sure what he looks like. Therefore, there are a lot of different representations of Jesus, and we drew one that we liked and discussed it. After that, we discussed what people thought about Jesus at the time and how in the Bible we are told that Jesus was not believed by the people in his hometown. We wrote a postcard as if we were from the 1st century and discussed what we thought about Jesus. Finally, we discussed symbolism and what we thought Jesus meant when he said that he is ‘the bread of life’ as well as being a ‘shepherd’.

Spellings to learn

Urgent             wedge             badge              germ                gerbil               gentle              giraffe              join                  judge               larger

Love to Learn

On Friday 24th March, we will be having our annual trust speaker competition. As part of this, 3 children from each school within the trust will be invited to deliver a speech. This year the title for the speaker event is:


 'You wouldn't believe it but...'


-It is expected that children start with this phrase and then the content can be literally anything that follows on! This is wonderfully open-ended; meaning the children can follow on with a wide range of responses from oral stories to more formal speeches about matters that fascinate them.

-The competition is open to KS2 pupils only

-The children's speech can last no longer than 2 minutes

-No slides, props or music are allowed


During the half-term holidays, we would like the children to have a go at writing an entry for the competition. They will then spend time in class editing, improving and rehearsing their speech. Each class will then pick one child to go forward to the school-based final. From this, three children will be chosen to represent Chilton at 'The Speaker 2023 final'. We cannot wait to see the amazing entries the children produce. Good luck, everyone!


- Next term, PE is on Tuesday afternoons and Sports Project is on Wednesday.

- Wednesday 22nd February is our Star Wars dress up day for our new topic!

Sponsored Walk for The Royal Marsden – Monday 20th February

You may be aware that one of our children has spent the last three and a half years being treated for leukaemia. That treatment has now finished, and we would like to celebrate this momentous occasion and mark the end of a difficult time for part of our community by running a sponsored walk in aid of The Royal Marsden. This will be held on the first day back in Term 4 – Monday 20th February. 

Children are invited to come in to school wearing their own clothes, and we would encourage them to choose the brightest colour clothing that they have. We would also recommend wearing trainers

We are going to walk in a relay from the school, differing distances depending on the children’s ages, over Chalk Hill and to the Viking Ship and back (the youngest children will walk the shortest distances and so on). 

We are asking for a voluntary donation or for the children to voluntarily collect what they can to be donated to The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. 

We hope that this will be a celebratory occasion as well as raising some funds for an excellent and much needed cause! 

We hope you have a good half-term break,

The Year 3 Team


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Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695