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Chilton Primary School

Chilton Primary School

One Childhood, One Chance

Year 3 News!

Year 3 have come in this week absolutely raring to go! We have been so impressed with the learning attitudes from the children this week.


This week we began learning about non-chronological reports because we were preparing to create our own reports all about SPIDERS! Mrs Manning absolutely hated this week as we looked at lots of different species, labelled body parts and learnt so much information. Please ask us - we are absolute spider experts! We rehearsed the four sentence types and are now really confident with:

Statements - a sentence that is true. A fact. Year 3 are amazing.

Exclamations - these start with 'what' or 'how' and end in a verb. How fun that is!

Questions - Start with a question word and end with a question mark.  What are you doing at the weekend?

Commands - Starts with a verb. We call it a bossy sentence. Go to the toilet!

Next week we will be publishing our writing, turning it in to beautiful reports. We will also use these skills to write all about South America, linked to our thematic learning.


Fractions, fractions everywhere! This week we were able to add and subtract fractions confidently. We were so good at this we were able to apply it to problem solving and puzzles. We were amazing! Next week we will be revisiting the four operations, checking in for our understanding of the strategies and applying it to reasoning problems


This week we completed our Geography learning, finding out about Brazil and comparing it to the UK. We then finished our unit by making chocolate boxes, adding in some maths into our afternoon learning. We also got to taste test lots of different chocolate. We found out that the darker the chocolate, the more cacao was in it. We still mostly preferred white chocolate, even if it is the most unhealthiest! We thought that dark chocolate was very bitter and some of us compared it to coffee. Finally, we did our first ever online quiz to show off our knowledge! We had to log in with our ipads and take a quiz and it was so much fun! 

Next week we will be learning in RE.


Coming up...

Next Tuesday is our Viking Games day. We will be travelling by train, walking from school at 8:40am. Children will need to wear their PE kits with a t-shirt of their house colour.

Next Friday is our colour run. Don't forget to bring in old clothes that you do not mind getting ruined! Please see the newsletter for more details. 


Home learning

We have been working hard to learn our tables. Please can you practise the 3s and 4s at home if on Spicy times tables, and continue learning 2s, 5s and 10s if on Mild. Here are a selection of times tables games to play.



Have a wonderful weekend!

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

Correspondence for the Head of School:

Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ

Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872

01843 597695